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          (Zürich – Baden Baden - Nürnberg - Dresden - Berlin - Poznan - Wroclaw - Cracow - Warsaw)

          DAY 1  ZÜRICH                     DAY 3  ZÜRICH - LAKE TITISEE       universities in the country, with a medieval
          Arrival at Zürich airport and transfer to the   - FREIBURG - BADEN BADEN   historic center with narrow streets
          hotel. Overnight stay.            Breakfast and departure to Lake Titisee,   dominated by the ruins of the castle. Visit
                                            of glacial origin and with a surface of   of the castle with a funicular return trip.
          DAY 2  ZÜRICH - SCHAFFHAUSEN      1,3km².  Arrival in Freiburg, whose historic   Afterwards we continue to Rothenburg, in
          - ZÜRICH                          center is divided by small water channels,   the heart of the Romantic Road. Scenery
          After breakfast we will go on a panoramic   popularly called “Bächle” (stream in   of tales and legends, Rothenburg retains
          tour of the city with a walking tour   German) , which main highlights are the   its layout and buildings of medieval
          through the historic center admiring   Gothic cathedral, the old town hall of   times, highlighting the Town Hall Square
          the Grossmünster Cathedral, the Le   the sixteenth century and the University.    and the Church of St. James. Free
          Corbusier Center, the Lindenhof and   Continuation to Baden Baden, in the   time to enjoy its Christmas decorations
          the Carolingian Imperial Palace. Then   heart of the Black Forest. Overnight stay.   stores and taste its “Snowballs” (sweet
          we follow to Schaffhausen to see the                                 crunchy pastry in the shape of a ball
          magnificent waterfalls of the Rhine River.   DAY 4  BADEN BADEN - HEIDELBERG   and covered with sugar. Other versions
          Return to the city and free afternoon.   - ROTHENBURG - NÜRNBERG     contain cinnamon or chocolate).  Arrival in
          Overnight stay.                   Today we depart to Heidelberg, a city   Nürnberg and overnight.
                                            that houses one of the main and oldest
                                                                               DAY 5  NÜRNBERG
                                                                               We will start the day with a city tour
                                                                               through this city full of history. Nürnberg
                                                                               was a leading center for the study of
                                                                               Humanism, as well as in the field of
                                                                               printing and science and mechanical
                                                                               inventions. Admire the historic center
                                                        POLAND                 surrounded by the city walls, with
                          GERMANY                                              its medieval castle, the church of St.

                                      Berlin         Poznan        Warsaw      Lawrence, the Hospital of the Holy Spirit
                                                                               and the old town hall.
                                                                               Free afternoon and overnight.

                          Leipzig       Dresden  Wroclaw          Czestochowa  DAY 6  NÜRNBERG – LEIPZIG
                                                                               – DRESDEN
                                Nürnberg                                       Today we go ahead our tour to Leipzig,
                       Rothenburg                     Auschwitz   Cracow       traditional center of commerce in Europe,
         Baden-Baden                                                           which stands out for the musical legacy
                                                                               of great composers such as Johann
            Freiburg                                                           Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner and
                      Lago Titisee                                             Felix Mendelssohn, who lived and worked
         Schaffhausen                                                          here. The children’s choirs of St. Thomas
               Zürich                                                          and the Gewandhauschor Leipzig round
           SWITZERLAND                                                         off the musical offer and the renown of
                                                                               the city. In its historic center we will visit
                                                                               the Church of St. Thomas, the Church of
                                                                               St. Nicholas, the Great Synagogue, the

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