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Augustus Square, the Opera House and   areas, such as the Town Hall on the Old   DAY 13   CRACOW - CZESTOCHOWA
          the old Town Hall, in Renaissance style.   Market Square, the imperial castle which   - WARSAW
          Continuation to Dresden. Arrival and   now houses one of the first theatrical   After breakfast, we go ahead to
          accommodation.                    institutions of the city, the Raczynski   Czestochowa, the spiritual center of the
                                            Library, the Cathedral or the Church of   country and one of the main pilgrimage
          DAY 7  DRESDEN - BERLIN           the Virgin St. Mary.               sites in Europe. We will visit the Jasna
          After breakfast we will enjoy a tour of   Free afternoon and overnight.  Gora Sanctuary, including the chapel and
          this beautiful city, whose symbol is the                             the basilica, where we will see the Black
          Church of Our Lady, destroyed during   DAY 10  POZNAN – WROCLAW      Madonna, the largest Catholic image
          the bombings of the 2nd World War and   We depart today to Wroclaw, also known   venerated in Poland and where the Virgin
          faithfully rebuilt, stone by stone, from   as “The Venice of the North”. Exceptional   Mary was declared Queen of Poland in
          1994 to 2005. Discover the Semper   city located on the banks of the Oder   1657.  We continue to Warsaw, the capital
          Opera, the Zwinger Palace, the Imperial   River, with a university tradition and full of   of Poland. Arrival and accommodation.
          Church or the more modern buildings   life.  The rich history of the city is reflected
          such as the New Synagogue, the    in its architecture, especially in buildings   DAY 14   WARSAW
          Transparent Factory or the Parliament of   such as the Cathedral, the Town Hall,   Breakfast and departure for a city tour.
          the State of Saxony.  In the afternoon we   the “Rynek” (main market square) and   The historic center is the only center
          continue to Berlin. Accommodation.  the Centennial Hall.  Free afternoon and   recognized as such on the UNESCO
                                            overnight.                         World Heritage List despite having been
          DAY 8  BERLIN                                                        completely rebuilt in the years after the war.
          This morning we will discover the   DAY 11  WROCLAW - AUSCHWITZ      A great deal of precision work has given
          capital of Germany. Divided by the   - CRACOVIA                      Warsaw back its medieval architectural
          “Iron Curtain” during the second part of   Leaving Wroclaw we continue to Krakow,   center, the main points of which are the
          the 20th century, it had to learn again   historical capital of the country and   Market Square, the ramparts, barbican and
          to be a city after the fall of the wall in   currently the second most important city   St. John’s Cathedral. A bus ride will show
          November 1989. During the tour we will   after Warsaw. On the way we will visit the   us the most modern part of the city, the
          see the Parliament, the Museum Island,   Auschwitz concentration camp, a must-  Wilanow Palace and Lazienski Park.
          St. Hedwig’s Cathedral, the Nicholas   see historical site. Arrival in Krakow and   Free afternoon and overnight.
          district, the Holocaust Memorial and the   accommodation.
          Potsdam Square. We will cross to the                                 DAY 15  WARSAW
          west to discover the Kurfürstendamm   DAY 12  CRACOW                 Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          Avenue with its elegant and aristocratic   In the morning we will discover this   time, transfer to the airport.
          buildings, the Emperor Wilhelm Memorial   wonderful city with a panoramic tour
          Church and the KaDeWe building, the   through the historic center, the Wawel   Package includes:
          first shopping mall in Europe that opened   Castle and the Rynek Glowny, the largest   • 14 nights accommodation including
          its doors in the early 20th century.    market square in Europe. We will be   buffet breakfast
          Afternoon at leisure and overnight.   thrilled in the Jewish Quarter, where up   • Porterage service at the hotels
                                            to 3 million people lived before World   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          DAY 9  BERLIN - POZNAN            War II and where only 10,000 inhabitants   • English speaking tour director
          We continue our trip to Poland. Our first   returned after the war. Today the Jewish   • Deluxe coach
          stop will be in Poznan, an important   community has regained its cultural   • Visits with licensed guides
          cultural and business center of the   identity and life in the quarter again.  Free   • Entrances as per the program
          country. The old center concentrates   afternoon. Optionally we suggest you to   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          most of the historic buildings and   enjoy a visit to the salt mines of Wieliczka.   cultural event or excursion

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