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Arrival and free time to discover the 3rd   DAY 10  CRACOW - WADOWICE   with a mixture of Catholic and Russian-
          largest city in Poland, behind Warsaw   - ZAKOPANE                   Byzantine motifs.
          and Cracow. Overnight in Lodz.    Today we will go first to Wadowice,   In the afternoon, we will have the transfer
                                            birthplace of Pope John Paul II, where   back to Warsaw. Accommodation.
          DAY 8  LODZ - CZESTOCHOWA         we will follow his footsteps visiting his
          - CRACOW                          birthplace and the basilica where he   DAY 13  WARSAW
          After breakfast, we go ahead to   began his ecclesiastical career.   Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          Czestochowa, the spiritual center of the   We continue then to Zakopane, center of   airport at the agreed time.
          country and one of the main pilgrimage   the Tatra Mountains. Arrival and rest of
          sites in Europe. We will visit the Jasna   the day free for personal activities.   Package includes:
          Gora Sanctuary, including the chapel                                 • 12 nights accommodation including
          and the basilica, where we will see the   DAY 11 ZAKOPANE – RZESZOW   buffet breakfast
          Black Madonna, the largest Catholic   – LUBLIN                       • Porterage service at the hotels
          image venerated in Poland and where   We continue our trip to Rzeszow, one   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          the Virgin Mary was declared Queen of   of the most elite cities in the country,   • English speaking tour director
          Poland in 1657.                   with a large number of investments,   • Deluxe coach
          Continue to Cracow, Poland’s historic   rapid progress and a high standard of   • Visits with licensed guides
          capital. Arrival and accommodation.   living. Its historic center, with the Market   • Entrances as per the program
                                            Square, its churches and synagogues, is   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          DAY 9  CRACOW                     one of the best preserved in Poland.   cultural event or excursion
          Discover this dream city with a   We continue to Lublin, meeting point
          panoramic tour through the historic   between East and West. Overnight in
          center, the Wawel Castle and the Rynek   Lublin.
          Glowny, the largest market square in
          Europe. Be thrilled in the Jewish Quarter,   DAY 12  LUBLIN - WARSAW
          where up to 3 million people lived before   In the morning, we will visit the old town,
          World War II and where only 10,000   quite well preserved despite the fact
          inhabitants returned after the war. Today   that the city was not spared from the
          the Jewish community has regained its   attacks during the 2nd World War. Its
          cultural identity and life in the quarter   main sights are the Town Hall, the Grand
          again.                            Hotel Lublinianka, the Crown Court
          Free afternoon. Optionally you can enjoy   and the Lublin Castle, whose chapel
          a visit to the salt mines of Wieliczka.   dedicated to the Holy Trinity is frescoed

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