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          (Madrid - Córdoba - Seville - Marbella - Granada - Valencia - Barcelona)

          DAY 1  MADRID                     palace, as well as the Monastery of   other monuments.
          Arrival in Madrid and transfer to the hotel.   San Juan de los Reyes, an outstanding   Free time to enjoy the city and in the
                                            example of Elizabethan Gothic; the   afternoon, departure to Seville. Arrival and
          DAY 2  MADRID                     Church of Santo Tomé, which houses   accommodation.
          Panoramic tour of the capital of Spain   the painting of “The Burial of the Count
          passing by the Royal Palace, Retiro   of Orgaz” by El Greco; the walls and   DAY 5  SEVILLE
          Park, Paseo de la Castellana, Puerta de   the different entrance gates, among   Panoramic tour of the capital of
          Alcalá, Plaza del Sol, Prado Museum and   other monuments, make this city   Andalusia, the fourth largest city in Spain
          Moncloa Palace. Afternoon at leisure and   an architectural and cultural jewel.   after Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
          overnight.                        Continuation of the tour to Ciudad Real,   Its extensive history, from the Romans
                                            with free time for individual walks, and   to the present, has left an important
          DAY 3  MADRID - TOLEDO - CIUDAD   arrival in Cordoba. Overnight stay.   cultural legacy in its heritage, being able
          REAL - CORDOBA                                                       to observe various styles such as Gothic,
          Breakfast and departure to Toledo, in   DAY 4  CÓRDOBA - SEVILLA     Mudejar, Renaissance and Baroque,
          Castilla La Mancha and historical capital   Panoramic tour of the historical capital   among others. Its buildings included in
          of Spain. On a guided walking tour   of the Caliphate of Cordoba, making it   the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites
          discover the legacy of the three cultures   one of the most cultured and prosperous   stand out: the Cathedral, the Giralda, the
          - Muslim, Jewish and Christian - that   cities of medieval Europe. These traces   Alcazar and the Archive of the Indies.
          earned it the status of Historic-Artistic   can be followed in the Mosque-Cathedral   The Cathedral of Seville is the largest
          Heritage in 1940 and its inclusion in the   and all the old Jewish quarter, around   Gothic cathedral in the world, whose
          UNESCO World Heritage List.       which extends the historic center,   construction began in 1433 under
          The Alcázar de Toleado, former royal   highlighting the streets of Flores and   the canons of the Gothic style. Later
                                            Pañuelo. From its Roman origins we can   additions and decorations added
                                            observe the Bridge over the Guadalquivir   Renaissance, Baroque, academic and
                                            River, the Roman Temple, the theater and   neo-Gothic elements to the building.
                                            amphitheater and the mausoleum, among   Of the building stands out, without doubt,
                                                                               the bell tower, popularly known as La
                                                                               Giralda. Its construction began in the
                                                                               12th century as an Almohad laminar of
                                                                               the old mosque, becoming a Catholic bell
                                                                               tower in later centuries.
                                                                               We continue the visit to the Alcazar, the
                                SPAIN                                          oldest active royal palace in Europe; the
                                                                               Archivo de Indias, the Plaza de España,
                          Madrid                                               Torre del Oro and the Palacio de las
                          Toledo                    Barcelona                  Dueñas - property of the House of Alba-,
                                                  Tarragona                    among other monuments.  Rest of the
                   Ciudad Real                 Ebro Delta                      day at leisure and accommodation.
                     Córdoba                                                   DAY 6  SEVILLA – CADIZ – MARBELLA
             Sevilla                                                           After breakfast departure to Cadiz, known
           Cádiz                Granada                                        as the “Tacita de Plata” and scene of the
                                                                               first Spanish constitution, promulgated
                   Marbella                                                    in 1812. Walk through the historic center
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