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          (Madrid - Gijón - León - Zamora - Salamanca - Cáceres - Mérida - Seville)

          DAY 1  MADRID                     which has archaeological remains from   century; Cangas de Onís, the historical
          Arrival in Madrid and transfer to the hotel.   Roman times, such as the walls and   capital of Asturias and Covadonga,
                                            the baths, as well as became the most   epicenter of the Picos de Europa National
          DAY 2  MADRID – BURGOS – GIJON    important port of the city. During our walk   Park.
          We start today our trip departing to   we will see the Palace of Revillagigedo   During the visit we will visit a Cabrales
          the north of Spain, with a first stop in   and the Collegiate Church of San Juan   cheese factory. Return to Gijón and
          Burgos, historic capital of the Kingdom of   Bautista, the Jovellanos Birthplace   accommodation.
          Castile and whose important historical-  Museum, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of
          architectural legacy has earned it to be   Contrueces, the Church of San Pedro   DAY 4  GIJON - AVILES - OVIEDO
          included in the list of UNESCO World   and the Town Hall of Gijón, among other   - LEON
          Heritage Sites. Its main monuments are   monuments.                  After breakfast we start our journey to
          the Cathedral of Santa Maria, one of the   In the evening, enjoy a visit to a cider   Seville following the ancient Ruta de la
          best examples of Spanish Gothic; the   house where we will learn the secrets of   Plata ( the Silver Route ) an important
          Monastery of Santa Maria la Real de Las   the national drink of Asturias, cider, while   Roman road that connected the north
          Huelgas, of the Cistercian order and the   tasting a typical menu.   with the south.
          Carthusian Monastery of Santa Maria                                  Our first stop will be Aviles, the third city
          de Miraflores, a monastic complex in   DAY 3  GIJON - RIBADESELLA    of Asturias. Its historic center composed
          Gothic style that houses the tombs of the   - CANGAS DE ONIS - COVADONGA   of several palaces, noble houses,
          parents and brother of Queen Isabella the   - GIJON                  churches and squares ranging from
          Catholic.                         The full day excursion of today will get   Romanesque style to modernism have
          Continuation to Gijón. Upon arrival, we   us to know Asturias, taking us to such   earned it to be classified as an area of
          will go on a walk through the historic   emblematic sites as Ribadesella, founded   tourist interest.
          center to know the neighborhood of   by Alfonso X the Wise and one of the   Free time to discover the city individually
          Cimadevilla, the oldest part of the city,   main ports of the region in the 19th   and continue the trip to Oviedo, capital
                                                                               of the region. It stands out for its heritage
                                                                               built in Asturian pre-Romanesque style,
                                 Gijon                                         which dates back to the 9th – 10th
                         Aviles     Ribadesella                                centuries and has been declared a World
                          Oviedo     Cangas De Onis                            Heritage Site by UNESCO. Among them
                                      Cavadonga                                emerge the Church of Santa Maria del
                        Astorga   Leon                                         Naranco, the Holy Chamber of Oviedo
                        Zamora            Burgos                               or the Testero of San Tirso, among
                                                                               others.  Finally, transfer to León and
                      Salamanca                                                accommodation.
                        Béjar    Madrid                                        DAY 5  LEON
                                                                               Today in the morning we will enjoy a
                   Placencia                                                   panoramic tour around one of the historic
                             Trujillo                                          cities of Spain. Born as a military camp
                   Cáceres        Guadalupe
                    Mérida                                                     during the Roman occupation, it reached
                     Zafra                                                     its fame when it became the head of the
                                                                               Kingdom of León, one of the founder
                  Seville                                                      kingdoms in the creation of the Kingdom
                                                                               of Spain. It was here where the first
                                                                               Courts of Europe were held in 1188,

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