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          (Bilbao - Gijón - La Coruña – Santiago de Compostela – Porto – Lisbon)

          DAY 1  BILBAO                     the Guggenheim Museum, opened in   which highlights its medieval and baroque
          Arrival in Bilbao and transfer to the hotel.   1997 and designed by architect Frank   buildings, as well as for being the artistic
                                            O. Gehry resembling a ship leaving the   scene of modernist artists such as Gaudí
          DAY 2  BILBAO                     estuary.                           and Domènech i Montaner.
          Panoramic tour of the city founded in the   Free afternoon and overnight.  Gaudí’s Capricho Palace, commissioned
          13th century and converted into one of                               by the Marquis of Comillas to the Catalan
          the main commercial ports of the country   DAY 3  BILBAO - SANTANDER   architect, stands out.
          during the 19th – 20th centuries. Its   - SANTILLANA DEL MAR - COMILLAS   Arrival in Gijón and accommodation.
          historic center turns around the streets   - GIJON
          Somera, Artecalle and Tendería, near   We will travel along the Cantabrian coast   DAY 4  GIJÓN - A CORUÑA
          which stands the cathedral of Santiago   to Gijon, in Asturias, visiting Santander,   After breakfast, a walk through the
          Apostle, Gothic style and built between   spa and summer resort of the Spanish   historic center will take us to know the
          the 14th – 15th centuries. Other points   court and aristocracy in the 19th – 20th   neighborhood of Cimadevilla, the oldest
          of interest are the Basilica of Our Lady of   centuries, highlighting the beaches   part of the city, which has archaeological
          Begoña, patron saint of the city and the   of El Sardinero and the Palacio de la   remains from Roman times, such as the
          provincial one; the 19thcentury eclectic   Magdalena; and Santillana del Mar.   walls and the baths, as well as became
          style City Hall, as well as the Chávarri   Considered one of the most beautiful   the most important port of the city.
          Palace, current seat of the sub delegation   towns in Spain, the Collegiate Church   During our tour we will see the Palace of
          of the civil government, and the Palace   of the 12th century in a historic center   Revillagigedo and the Collegiate Church
          of the Floral Deputation; the Campos   formed by stone buildings from the 14th –   of San Juan Bautista, the Jovellanos
          Elíseos Theater, considered a jewel of the   17th centuries.         Birthplace Museum, the Sanctuary of Our
          Basque modernist style and of course,   Then we arrive at the town of Comillas,   Lady of Contrueces, the Church of San
                                                                               Pedro and the Town Hall of Gijón, among
                                                                               other monuments.
                Santiago de   A Coruña                                         Departure to A Coruña, in the region of
                 compostela             Santillana del Mar                     Galicia. Arrival and accommodation.
                Pontevedra   Gijón        Santander
                      Vigo      Comillas      Bilbao                           DAY 5  A CORUÑA - SANTIAGO DE
                    Braga                                                      Visit one of the most industrialized
                 Porto                                                         cities in Galicia, historically the most
                                                                               important port. Main highlihts of the city
             Coimbra                                                           are its symbol, the Tower of Hercules,
                                                                               of unknown origin but already present
                                                                               in Roman times and remodeled in
          Lisbon                    SPAIN                                      later centuries. The current facade is
              PORTUGAL                                                         of neoclassical style and UNESCO
                                                                               recognized it as a World Heritage Site
                                                                               in 2007. Next we will see the Castle of
                                                                               San Antón, from the 16th century and
                                                                               built to defend the city from maritime
                                                                               attacks, especially the attacks of the
                                                                               English navy in 1589; the Romanesque
                                                                               collegiate church of Santa Maria; the

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