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appointed time, transfer to the port to   of Apollo are the Treasury of Athens, the   the Tomb of Atreus, the walls, the royal
          board the overnight ferry to Igoumenitsa,   theater and the great altar.   palace and the circle of tombs. Return to
          Greece. Overnight on board.       After the visit we will continue to Athens,   Athens and overnight.
                                            where we will arrive in the afternoon.
          DAY 7 IGOUMENITSA - IOANNINA      Overnight stay.                    DAY 11 ATHENS
          - METEORA MONASTERIES                                                Breakfast at the hotel and at the indicated
          - KALAMBAKA                       DAY 9 ATHENS                       time, transfer to the airport.
          Arrival at 05:30 am in Igoumenitsa and   In the morning we will visit the cradle of
          transfer to a local restaurant or hotel to   Western democracy, with a guided tour   Package includes:
          enjoy a good breakfast. Once we have   starting at the Panathenaic Stadium,   • 10 nights accommodation including
          regained strength, we will continue the   where the first Olympic Games were   buffet breakfast
          journey to Ioannina, of Byzantine origin   held. We will continue through the   • Porterage service at the hotels
          and whose splendor came in the fifteenth   Temple of Olympian Zeus, the University,   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          century when it came under Turkish rule.   the Academy and the National Library   • English speaking tour director
          From this period are its main treasures   to reach the Parliament, the Catholic   • Deluxe coach
          in the historic center, such as the citadel   Cathedral, Constitution Square and the   • Visits with licensed guides
          that includes the mosque of Aslan   Russian Orthodox Church. Finally we   • Entrances as per the program
          Aga, the Turkish library and the ancient   will climb the Acropolis Hill to admire the   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          synagogue, the Fetihié mosque and the   Parthenon, the Portico of the Maidens   cultural event or excursion
          former royal palace; and the Cathedral of   and the Temple of Athena, among other
          St. Athanasius.                   gems.
          We will then head to the famous Meteora   In the afternoon, we will transfer to Cape
          Monasteries, built on top of rock   Sounion, approx. 1.5 hours south of
          formations and inhabited continuously   Athens, to enjoy the spectacular sunset.
          since the 15th century. In total there are   Return to Athens and overnight.
          6 monasteries, dedicated to St. Nicholas,
          St. Stephen, Holy Trinity, Great Meteora,   DAY 10 ATHENS - Excursion to
          Roussanou and Varlaam. All of them   Epidaurus, Nafplios & Mycenae
          belong to the UNESCO World Heritage   Today’s excursion will take us to visit the
          List and are open to the public, who are   main archaeological sites of the country.
          subject to a strict dress code to enter (no   First we will arrive at Epidaurus, which
          cleavage, you must be covered, women   highlights its theater of the fourth century
          can not wear pants, only skirts).   B.C. Its proportions give it an exceptional
          After this visit we will arrive to Kalambaka   acoustics, known throughout the world.
          and rest of the day at leisure. Lodging.   Its perfect state of preservation allows
                                            it to host theatrical performances even
          DAY 8 KALAMBAKA - DELPHI -        today.
          ATHENS                            We will then arrive in Nafplios, where we
          Today we continue our tour to the   will enjoy free time for lunch and stroll
          capital of Greece, Athens. On the way   through its charming historic center,
          we will visit Delphi, where the Temple of   where the 3 fortresses, the Church of St
          Apollo was located. Among its historical   Spiridonas or the Station Park stand out.
          treasures are the stadium, the Temple of   After lunch we will visit Mycenae, whose
          Athena and the walls. Inside the Temple   treasures include the Gate of the Lions,

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