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DAY 5  SOFIA – BELOGRADCHICK      is of German influence. Its historic center,   family, and Sinaia, where we will visit the
          Breakfast and panoramic city tour   listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site,   Sinaia Monastery, founded in the 17th
          including the city walls, churches and   consists of the Lower Town, with long,   century by Prince Mihail Cantacuzino in
          ancient streets built during the Byzantine   wide streets and rustic-style architecture   honor of the monastery of St. Catherine
          era. Today the center of Sofia is a   with double-storey houses and the oldest   of Mount Sinai (Egypt).
          combination of Western styles such as   church in the city; and the Upper Town,   Arrival in Bucharest and accommodation.
          Neo-Rococo, Neo-Renaissance and   which has grown up around the Big
          Neoclassicism, including the Church   Square and is home to major buildings   DAY 9  BUCHAREST
          of St. Sophia; the Alexander Nevsky   such as the Bruckenthal Palace, the   Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the
          Cathedral, one of the largest Orthodox   Jesuit Church and the Council Tower.   airport.
          churches in the world; the Boyana   The Small Square closes the Upper Town
          Church; the Ivan Vazov National Theatre,   with a network of small, narrow alleys,   Package includes:
          among other monuments.            including the Liar’s Bridge and the Holy   • 8 nights accommodation including
          Then departure to Belogradchick.   Trinity Cathedral.                buffet breakfast
          On arrival, visit of its fortress and the   Finally there is the Huet Square, whose   • Porterage service at the hotels
          incredible landscape that the rock   main attraction is the Evangelical   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          formations of the area draw. Overnight   Lutheran Cathedral, Gothic-style buildings   • English speaking tour director
          stay.                             and the Staircase Alley, which leads to   • Deluxe coach
                                            the Lower Town.                    • Visits with licensed guides
          DAY 6  BELOGRADCHICK - CRAIOVA    Continuation of the tour to Sighisoara,   • Entrances as per the program
          - COZIA - SIBIU                   situated in the Transylvanian Carpathian   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          Today we say goodbye to Bulgaria and   Mountains. Included in the UNESCO   cultural event or excursion
          return to Romania. The first stop on the   World Heritage List, its historic centre has
          way will be Craiova, whose life revolves   managed to preserve its fortified medieval
          around its beautiful Town Hall, the   layout, in which the Citadel, the Clock
          Cathedral of St. Demetrios, the Church of   Tower and the cemetery stand out.  Short
          the Monastery of Cosuna and the Baniei   visit on arrival with free time to enjoy the
          House, among others.              city on your own and then transfer to
          We continue to Cozia, where we can   Brasov.
          admire the 14th century Monastery   Arrival and accommodation.
          dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It houses
          the tomb of Mircea I of Wallachia and is   DAY 8  BRASOV - BRAN - PELES
          one of the most outstanding monuments   - SINAIA - BUCHAREST
          of the medieval period, as well as being   Breakfast and departure to Bran, where
          the only Byzantine-style monastery in   the most famous castle in Romania
          Romania still standing.  Arrival in Sibiu   is located as the setting of the novel
          and accommodation.                “Dracula” by Bram Stoker.
                                            The novel is based on the real character
          DAY 7  SIBIU - SIGHISOARA         of Prince Vlad III, who fought against the
          - BRASOV                          Ottoman Empire and was famous for his
          After breakfast, visit of what is probably   cruelty in punishing his enemies.
          the most beautiful city in the country.   Continuation to Peles Castle, built
          Founded in the 12th century by the   between 1873 and 1917 and former
          German Saxons, much of its architecture   summer residence of the Romanian royal

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