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baroque church of San Jorge, among   the Monastery in Mire de Tibaes, among   of Jerónimos, in the district of Belem
          other monuments. In a walking tour we   others.  Continuation to Porto, arrival and   and Manueline style, Portuguese own
          will enjoy the promenade; the old city and   accommodation.          style developed under the mandate of
          the “galleries”.                                                     King Manuel I of Portugal and which is a
          In the afternoon, departure to Santiago   DAY 7  OPORTO              variation of the final Portuguese Gothic to
          de Compostela. Upon arrival, visit the   Breakfast and panoramic visit of the 2nd   which are added elements of Portuguese-
          Cathedral consecrated to the Apostle   most important city of Portugal, on the   Mudejar style, own iconography and
          Santiago, pilgrimage destination for   banks of the Douro River and the Atlantic   decorations of the Italian Renaissance.
          hosting, according to tradition, the   Ocean. With a historic center of extensive   A walking tour will take us to the Alfama
          sarcophagus of the apostle. Here ends   artistic heritage listed by UNESCO,   district, the oldest of the city and whose
          the Camino de Santiago, a route that   highlights include the Palacio de la Bolsa,   best views are obtained from the
          connected Europe with the Iberian   the cathedral of Romanesque origin,   viewpoints of Porta do Sol and Santa
          Peninsula following the trail of the Milky   the church and Tower of the Clerics of   Luzia.
          Way. Built on the foundations of a first   baroque and Rococo style, the latter   Rest of the day at leisure and overnight.
          pre-Romanesque church, the present   being the symbol of the city, among
          cathedral was begun in 1075 under the   others.                      DAY 10  LISBON
          reign of King Alfonso VI, and was finished   Then we will enjoy a boat ride on the   After breakfast departure for the
          in the 12th century when the Pórtico de la   Duero River from which we will be able to   excursion to Sintra and Cascais, historical
          Gloria and the crypt were added.   contemplate the magnificent bridges that   cities around Lisbon. While Sintra stood
          The cathedral underwent extensions and   cross it. We will finish the visit in a Port   out as a summer resort of the Portuguese
          was again decorated between the 16th   wine cellar, with tasting. Rest of the day   royalty, which left a great legacy of
          – 18th centuries. It is at this time that the   at leisure. Lodging.   castles, palaces and mansions, Cascais
          Obradoiro Façade was built, whose main                               stood out as a small fishing port that
          motive was to protect the Pórtico de la   DAY 8  PORTO - COIMBRA - LISBON   attracted the nobility in summer times,
          Gloria from deterioration. Currently, this   Departure to Coimbra, cradle of   providing it with beautiful residences of
          facade is the best known of the cathedral   Portuguese kings and the first University   the 19th century.
          and has become the symbol of the city.    of Portugal, which makes it a renowned   Return to Lisbon and rest of the day at
          Rest of the day at leisure and    student city. Of Roman origin, its   leisure. Overnight.
          accommodation.                    center attracts with its narrow streets,
                                            courtyards, stairways and medieval   DAY 11  LISBON
          DAY 6  SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA     arches.                            After breakfast at the hotel and at the
          – PONTEVEDRA – VIGO – BRAGA       Free time to enjoy the city and    agreed time, transfer to the airport.
          – PORTO                           continuation of the trip to Lisbon, the
          Departure after breakfast to the other   capital of the country.     Package includes:
          outstanding cities of Galicia, Pontevedra   Arrival and accommodation.   • 10 nights accommodation including
          and Vigo. On the way we will have the                                buffet breakfast
          opportunity to visit some Albariño wine   DAY 9 LISBON               • Porterage service at the hotels
          cellars and have a wine tasting.  Panoramic tour of the city located at   • Transfers upon arrival and departure
          Arrival in Braga, our first stop in Portugal,   the mouth of the Tajo River, where   • English speaking tour director
          for a guided walking tour through the   monuments such as the Tower of Belem   • Deluxe coach
          historic center following the traces of   and the Castle of St. George stand   • Visits with licensed guides
          its foundation in the Neolithic period,   out; the cathedral of the 12th century   • Entrances as per the program
          highlighting the cathedral, the Town Hall,   and a mixture of various styles due to   • A surprise invitation to a concert,
          the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte or   successive renovations or the monastery   cultural event or excursion

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