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          Legend has it that during the liberation of  the end of the 19th century - beginning of  “Maria Theresia” (mokka coffee in a glass,
          Vienna from the Turkish siege in 1683, the  the 20th century, turning coffee shops into  with orange liqueur, cream and orange
          Viennese found some sacks with black  meeting places according to their cultural   shavings, named after the Empress Maria
          seeds that they mistook for camel food   or political interests.     Theresia) are waiting for you to round off
          and wanted to burn them. The leader                                  your stay in Vienna.
          of the Polish troops, King Jan Sobieski   In VAS DMC AUSTRIA we propose you
          III - who led the triumphant revolt against   a tour through the most famous, typical,  CAFE CENTRAL - perhaps the most
          the siege - got hold of these sacks and   curious or unknown coffee shops so that   famous of all, guidebooks and TV
          gave them to his translator Georg Franz   you can experience the best Austrian   programs have made it a reference to
          Kolschitzky. The latter realized what they   activity: sitting in a coffee shop and let   visit. And no wonder. Its neo-Renaissance
          were and opened the first cafeteria in the   the hours go by accompanied by a good   style, on the first floor of the Ferstel
          city with them.                   coffee and a newspaper or a book or the   Palace, is home to a history of meetings
                                            best company.                      of revolutionaries, psychoanalysts,
          Reality confirms that around that time,                              architects and writers, since 1876. Today,
          in 1685, Emperor Leopold I granted an  VIENNA:                       an excellent menu of cakes and coffees,
          Armenian citizen by the name of Johannes  A visit to the Austrian capital cannot be  accompanied by live piano music, will
          Theodat permission to prepare the “Turkish  complete without an afternoon in one of its  make you spend an unforgettable time.
          drink” (coffee and tea). With this permission  cafés:                CAFE SACHER - in our list can not miss
          he opened the first coffee shop in the city,                         the origin of the most famous chocolate
          a single room with wooden benches, thus  LANDTMANN - In front of City Hall since  cake in the world, the Sacher Cake,
          laying the foundation stone for what would  1873, it was and still is a meeting point  created in the kitchens of the Hotel Sacher.
          become the greatest gastronomic tradition  for politicians and economists. Its historic  Sit on their sofas and let yourself be carried
          of the city of Vienna, spreading to the rest   Thonet chairs, Art Deco decoration and a  away by the aristocratic and imperial
          of the country, until it was included in the   menu with Viennese coffee specialties,   atmosphere, while tasting the cake and a
          list of Intangible Heritage of UNESCO.  such as the “Melange” (coffee with cream),   coffee.
                                            the “Brauner” (a small or large espresso,
          Coffee has become history in Vienna  served with cream separately), Turkish   CAFE HAWELKA - a true Viennese
          and Austria. Especially in the capital, this  coffee (made in a copper jug, sweetened   institution, you never know who will be
          beverage experienced its golden age at  or unsweetened, served with a lokum ) or a   sitting next to you. Center of the city’s
                                                                               bohemian and cultural life for more than 80
                                                                               years, don’t miss a cup of coffee roasted
                                               Linz                            on the premises.
                                                                               CAFE DEMEL - another unmissable
                                Salzburg                                       classic, located opposite the gates of
                                                                               the Imperial Palace. Cafeteria and pastry
                                                                               shop suppliers of the imperial house, its
                                                                               windows draw attention for its marzipan
                                              AUSTRIA                          figures, as well as the workshop where you
                                                                               can see the master pastry chef and his
                                                                               team creating wonders from scratch.
                                                                               Enjoy some coffee and cake in the imperial

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