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DAY 4 PÖLLAUBERG – GRAZ – MARIBOR  artisan cheeses.                  admire the panoramic views; the minaret
          Departure to Graz, capital of the province of  Return to Maribor and overnight.  of Arab art of the 17th century and the
          Styria. A short funicular ride takes us to the                       northernmost in Europe; the Turkish baths
          Schlossberg viewpoint, next to the Clock  DAY 6 MARIBOR – BALATON – PECS  and Dobó Square, where the minority church
          Tower and symbol of the city. We will then  We continue our trip to Hungary. The first  of baroque style of the 18th century is
          descend to the historic center, where we will  stop will be at Lake Balaton, the largest  located. Then departure to Tokaj, an area
          pass by the cathedral, St. Andrew’s Church,  lake in Central Europe and an important  known for its wines, especially the sweet
          the Mur River Island with its futuristic bridge,  focus of tourism, fishing and viticulture in the  dessert wine. Route through the vineyards
          the courtyard of the regional government  country. A boat trip will take us to discover  where the “Furmint”, “Gelbe Muskateller” and
          and the Armory building.          its landscape, the Tihany Church on the  “Hárslevelü” grapes are cultivated to obtain
          Lunch in a local restaurant, type  small historical peninsula of the same name  sweet, medium sweet, dry and medium
          “Landhauskeller” and continuation of the  and the surrounding vineyards. Thanks to  dry wines ideal for dessert that we will have
          circuit to Slovenia.              its Mediterranean microclimate and the soil  the opportunity to taste, followed by a
          Arrival in Maribor, on the banks of the Drava   of volcanic rock, the viticulture has been  typical Hungarian lunch. Return to Eger and
          River. Highlights include the 12th century   present from the time of the Romans. In  overnight.
          Gothic cathedral and the Renaissance   Balatonfüred we will have the opportunity to
          town hall. Maribor is also home to the   taste the wines of the region accompanied  DAY 9 EGER – BUDAPEST
          oldest vineyard in the world, the specialty   by a picnic lunch with cured meats and  Departure to the capital of Hungary. Upon
          “Zametkova” (also known as “modra kavcina”)   cheeses of own production.  arrival, visit this vibrant city divided in two
          with more than 400 years old.     We continue to Pecs. Overnight stay.  by the Danube River, its main protagonist.
          Overnight in Maribor.                                                We will go up to the old town at the top of
                                            DAY 7 PECS – EGER                  Buda Hill, from where we will admire the
          DAY 5 SLOVENIAN WINERIES TOUR     Today we visit Pecs, historical city of  spectacular views from the Fisherman’s
          From Maribor we will make this excursion  Hungary. The tour includes highlights as  Bastion, as the imposing Parliament or the
          through the Slovenian wine-growing areas,  the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul,  historic Chain Bridge, and discover the
          recently incorporated in the world map of  from 11th century, the Archbishop’s Palace,  history of Budapest and Hungary in Heroes’
          wine production.                  the mosque of Pasha Jakowali Hassan  Square, in the Pest part, which we will reach
          With a majority production of white wine, the  and is the best preserved building of  through the Grand Boulevard, where the
          localities of Ptuj, Jeruzalem and Slovenske  Arab architecture in the country and the  Opera House is located.
          Konjice, in addition to Maribor, have been  pre-Christian Cemetery with decorated  We will end the visit at the Central Market,
          placed in the most outstanding positions  chambers and belongs to the list of World  where we will discover and taste typical
          of the country as well as in the international  Heritage of UNESCO.  Hungarian specialties.
          lists on wine-growing areas. In particular,  Free time and departure to Eger. Dinner  In the evening, and as a farewell, we will
          Jeruzalem wines have been awarded several  in a local restaurant, type “Macock Bistro  celebrate a dinner in a typical Hungarian
          times.                            and Wine Bar”, where we will delve into the  csarda, with dances and gypsy music, and a
          The most cultivated grapes in this area  traditional Hungarian cuisine. Overnight stay.  boat trip to see the illuminated monuments.
          are “Furmint” and “Welschriesling”, as well                          Lodging.
          as “Riesling”, “Traminer”, “Chardonnay”,  DAY 8 EGER – TOKAJ – EGER
          “Sauvignon Blanc” and “Pinot Gris”. Visit of  Visit of Eger, thermal and wine center. In  DAY 10 BUDAPEST
          wineries with wine tasting and lunch with  a guided walk through the historic center  Breakfast at the hotel and at the appointed
          Slovenian specialties such as pickles and  we will see the castle, from which you can  hour, transfer to the airport.

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