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to the Mur River Island, a futuristic platform  Then we will enjoy a pastry workshop   in Italian Verona and even in the American
          in the middle of the river. Free afternoon to  where we will learn the secrets of the   city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
          enjoy this pulsating city.        famous Mozart chocolates - marzipan balls   The oldest demonstrable recipe was
                                            covered with the finest dark chocolate.  written by a countess of Verona and today
          DAY 6 GRAZ – LIEZEN – HALLSTATT   We will end the day resting in the   it is in the library of the Abbey of Admont.
          – SALZBURG                        Tomasselli Cafeteria, founded in 1700 by   At the Jindrak bakery we will have the
          Today we leave for Salzburg. Our first stop  the Frenchman Johann Fontaine. After   opportunity to make our own Linzer Torte.
          will be at the Benedictine Abbey of   several owners, Carl Tomasselli bought   We will end the day tasting the cake
          Admont, near Liezen, the geographical   the café in 1852, becoming the meeting   accompanied by a good cup of coffee.
          heart of Austria. Founded in the 11th   point of the Salzburg society... and the
          century by Archbishop Gebhard of   reference point of the “Salzburger Nockerl”,   DAY 9 LINZ – DANUBE’S VALLEY
          Salzburg, it consisted of a school and a   the typical dessert of the city. Of French   – VIENNA
          monastery for nuns. With a Neo-Gothic   origin, it is soft and fluffy. A coffee and a   Back to the capital of Austria we will visit
          style due to the reconstruction in 1865   Salzburger Nockerl are waiting for us to   the famous Melk Abbey, the best and
          after a fire, its great jewel is the baroque   round off this interesting day.  greatest example of Austrian baroque
          library, considered the largest convent                              architecture and from which we can admire
          library in the world. Among its treasures we   DAY 8 SALZBURG – LINZ  unique views over the Danube. Free time
          find the oldest recipe for Linzer cake, which   We continue our tour to Linz, capital of the  for lunch and then we will take a boat trip
          we will be able to taste when we arrive in   province of Upper Austria and industrial  (May to October) to Dürnstein, a beautiful
          Linz.                             leader of the country. Upon arrival we will  medieval town crowned by the blue bell
          Our next stop will be in Hallstatt,   visit the city, with a guided walking tour  tower of the Augustinian church. Free time
          considered the most beautiful village in   through the historic center of this city  to stroll through Dürnstein and taste in one
          Austria.                          located on the banks of the Danube River.  of its cafés the “Wachauer Marillenknödel”
          Free time to stroll through its narrow streets  We will visit the Cathedral of the   - the sweet apricot gnocchi, the star fruit of
          between the mountain and the lake, as well  Immaculate Conception; we will see the   the Danube Valley.
          as climb to the viewpoint “Sky Walk” to  Main Square, one of the largest rectangular   Continuation of the tour to Vienna. In
          enjoy its breathtaking views.     squares in Europe, with its baroque style   the evening, as a farewell, we will enjoy
          Continuation to Salzburg.         buildings; and more modern works such   dinner in a local restaurant with Viennese
          Arrival and accommodation.        as the Music Theater, the Ars Electronica   specialties.
                                            Center and the Lentos Kunstmuseum.   The final touch to our tour will
          DAY 7 SALZBURG                    We will end the visit on the Pöstlingberg   be the dessert “Kaiserschmarren”. Created
          Breakfast buffet at the hotel and departure  hill, from where we will enjoy a unique   for Emperor Franz Joseph I, who liked to
          to discover Mozart’s birthplace, passing by  panoramic view over the city.  enjoy simple pastries, it is a type of thick,
          Mirabell Palace, the Mozarteum (University  Back in the historical center, we will  chopped crepe, accompanied by plum
          of Music), the Marionette Theater, Mozart’s  discover one of the best secrets of the city,  compote and sugar.
          residence, the Holy Trinity Church,  the “Linzer Torte” - Linzer Cake. With a
          Hellbrunn Palace, Nonnberg Abbey, the  latticed pastry lid and filled with currant jam,  DAY 10 VIENNA
          Music Festival Theaters, Getreidegasse   it is considered one of the oldest cakes in  After breakfast, and at the appointed time,
          and Mozart Square.                the world, with references in ancient Egypt,  transfer to Vienna Airport.

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