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          Coffees and cakes (Vienna-Riegersburg-Graz-Liezen-Hallstatt-Salzburg-Linz-Danube valley -Vienna)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      Then we will take a guided walk through  Palace, the summer residence of the
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  the historic center, which will bring us   imperial family, and then we will discover
          guide. Transfer to the hotel and check in.  closer to the historic cafes of the city, such   the secrets of “Apfelstrudel”, the apple and
          In the evening, we will enjoy a welcome  as “Landtmann”, located in front of City Hall  puff pastry cake that has become Austria’s
          dinner in a typical Viennese café, “Diglas  and where politicians met; “Café Central”,  national dessert.
          im Shottenstift” or “Cafe Central” or similar,  meeting point of journalists and writers;  On our return to the center, a coffee course
          where we can enjoy a typical Viennese  “Cafe Frauenhuberl”, one of the oldest in  awaits us, in which we will learn all about
          menu.                             the city and still maintains the atmosphere  this highly appreciated beverage and its
                                            of past centuries; “Cafe Hawelka”,   different types of preparation, such as the
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      authentic Viennese institution, epicenter   typical “Wiener Melange”, the “Verlängerter”
          In the morning we will discover the city on  of artistic and literary Vienna. Free time for   and the “Espresso”, with a tasting to learn
          a panoramic tour around the Ringstrasse,  lunch.                     how to enjoy them.
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the  In the afternoon, a very sweet activity   Rest of the day at leisure.
          Hofburg Palace, the State Opera, the twin  awaits us: a cake decorating course in
          museums of Fine Arts and History of   one of Vienna’s most traditional coffee   DAY 4 VIENNA – RIEGERSBURG – GRAZ
          Natural Sciences, the Parliament and the   shops, the “Café Demel” (or Café Central   We start our tour heading to Riegersburg,
          City Hall, the Votive Church, St. Charles   or similar).             in the south of the country. There, a visit to
          Church, the Musikverein where the New   Afterwards we will enjoy a coffee and the  the Austrian chocolate factory Zotter awaits
          Year’s Concert is broadcast and the   typical Sacher Cake.           us, where we will discover the secrets of
          monument to Johann Strauss, father of the                            this highly appreciated bean, how to work it
          waltz. During the tour we will also visit the   DAY 3 VIENNA         and enjoy it.
          Belvedere Palace gardens.         In the morning we will visit Schoenbrunn  A tasting will show us the different
                                                                               creations of Zotter, while giving us strength
                                                                               to have a good time in group in the
                                                                               Peasant Golf Tournament, with fun activities
                                                      Danube’s                 such as boot throwing, among other
                                                        Valley  Vienna         challenges!
                                                                               Lunch at the factory and in the afternoon
                                Salzburg                                       we continue the route to Graz.
                                                                               DAY 5 GRAZ
                                        Hallstatt  Liezen                      We will start our city tour with a ride on
                                                                               the funicular to Schlossberg, from where
                                                                               we can admire the views of the city as
                                        AUSTRIA                                well as the symbol of Graz, the Clock
                                                       Graz  Riegersburg       Tower. We will descend to the historic
                                                                               center with a guided walk that will take us
                                                                               to the Cathedral and the mausoleum, the
                                                                               Landeszeughaus Armory and the carillon,

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