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          Austria’s membership in the       2.- WIENER WÜRSTEL ( Viennese      restaurants throughout the country.
          Austro-Hungarian Empire, with borders  sausage )
          from Poland to Croatia, from Austria  A classic of the country’s street cuisine,  5.- TIROLER GRÖSTL ( Stir-fry of
          to Ukraine, has left an infinite legacy of  it can be found in all the fast food stalls  potatoes )
          history, heritage and customs.    in the streets and markets, making for  Dish par excellence of the Austrian Alps,
          One of the least known or appreciated  an informal meal with friends. Made from  it is served especially in the Tyrol region
          customs is its gastronomy.        pork and beef, they are usually boiled  after a day of skiing or hiking.
          Typical Austrian cuisine draws, in one way   briefly and served with a slice of bread,  Ideal to regain strength, it is a stir-fry of
          or another, on the specialties that were  mustard and ketchup.       potatoes and baked onions with pieces of
          cooked in the different regions of the                               boiled ham, bacon or chopped pork and
          empire. The result is mostly meat dishes  3.- KNÖDEL ( Dumplings )   topped with a fried egg.
          with strong flavors, a wide variety of  A souvenir of Bohemian Czech cuisine...
          breads and pastries, and endless sweet  dumplings made of bread or potato,  6.- KÄSESPÄTZLE ( Cheese dumplings )
          desserts.                         alone or stuffed, sweet or savory, to  Small dumplings of egg and flour
          We at VAS DMC AUSTRIA invite you  accompany meat dishes or as a main  dough, cooked with cheese and bacon
          to enjoy this heritage during your stay  course, served in soup or as a dessert,  bits and topped with a little fried onion
          in Austria, indicating below what not to  the “Knödel” do not leave indifferent  ... a delicacy available throughout the
          miss:                             those who try them. In the regions of  country, especially in rural and mountain
                                            Tyrol and Carinthia it is very typical to eat  areas, such as Vorarlberg (region
          MAIN DISHES                       them as a main dish while in the Danube  bordering Switzerland).
                                            Valley area they are stuffed with apricots
          1.- WIENER SCHNITZEL ( Viennese   to be served in desserts.          7.- GULASCH ( Pork and potato stew )
          escalope )                                                           The Hungarian heritage in Austrian
          Representative par excellence of Austrian  4.- TAFELSPITZ ( Beef stew )  cuisine.
          cuisine and elevated to the title of  One of the star dishes of Austrian  The typical stew of the neighboring country
          “National Dish”, the breaded veal fillet is  gastronomy, in the shadow of the  has a long representation and tradition in
          a guaranteed success in any restaurant.  ubiquitous “Wiener Schnitzel”.  Austria, presented in the form of a soup
          Typical dinner in the “Heuriger” wine  The beef fillet is boiled in broth and  with pieces of stewed pork and potatoes,
          taverns, it is usually accompanied by a  served with vegetables, creamed  accompanied by bread.
          potato salad dressed with vinegar and  spinach, potatoes, horseradish and  A winter classic, eaten at Christmas
          onion or baked potatoes and half a lemon  apple compote. Of humble origin,  markets, the bread being the container
          to garnish the steak.             it eventually became a classic in  that holds the soup.

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