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          Welcome to Vienna, the capital of Austria, and the beginning of our journey through the history of the
          country through its traditions, snow and music. A tour designed to enhance our five senses with which we
          will see, hear, dance, taste and enjoy with classic and more active activities.

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      Palace, the Museum of Fine Arts and   DAY 3 VIENNA
          Arrival and transfer to the hotel.  its twin Museum of Natural History, the   We will dedicate this day to the most
                                            Parliament, the City Hall or the Votive   Viennese traditions, the best examples of
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      Church, among others. We will continue   the past adapted to the present.
          In the morning we will visit Vienna.   with a pleasant walking tour of the   We will start the day by discovering the
          The Centre of the once great      Centre that will take you to St. Stephen’s   best kept secret of Austrian gastronomy:
          Austro-Hungarian Empire, which    Cathedral, the narrow streets of the   the “Apfelstrudel”. Of Arab origin, it
          extended through Central Europe to   Jewish quarter, the house where Mozart   came to stay after the Turkish invasions of
          the present Ukraine in the north and the   lived or the Danube Canal, an area of   the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1696 the
          Balkan area in the south, Vienna is now   street artists.            first recipe written in a cookbook of the
          a modern city that does not hide its past,   We will end the visit with one of the most   Austro-Hungarian Empire appears.
          combining both legacies to make it the   Viennese customs: tasting a Viennese   It is from the 18th century when this
          meeting point between East and West.    coffee accompanied by the famous     sweet, from the hand of the Empress
          In a tour around the Ringstrasse we   Sacher cake.                   Maria Teresa, becomes the dessert par
          will be able to contemplate the most   Free afternoon and accommodation in   excellence in the salons and cafes of the
          outstanding buildings of the city, such   Vienna.                    city, reaching our days as the national
          as the Opera, the Hofburg or Winter                                  cake of Austria.
                                                                               We prepare to tie our aprons in a kitchen
                                                                               workshop to learn how to handle the fine
                                                                               puff pastry, which is filled with apples
                                                                               and raisins, with touches of sugar and
                                                                               cinnamon, cooked in the oven.
                                                                               It is usually served with cream and hot
                                                                               vanilla-flavored cream or vanilla ice cream
                                                                   Vienna      in summer.
                                                                               Afterwards we will change the stage and
                                                                               go to a dance school where we will
                                                                               learn to waltz.
                                           Salzburg                            A dance of peasant origin in the areas
                                                                               of Tyrol and Bavaria, its name is derived
              Innsbruck                           AUSTRIA                      from the German verb “Walzen”, which
                                                                               means “to go round”. The name “Waltz”
                                                                               appears for the first time in 1781 in the
                                                                               work “Eberhard der Greiner” by Friedrich
                                                                               Successive variations popularize this
                                                                               dance among the people, but it is not

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