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          (Vienna - Linz - Grein - Emmerdorf - Krems - Vienna)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      Afterwards we will take a guided walk  see the Main Square, one of the largest
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  through the historical center, which will  rectangular squares in Europe, with its
          guide Transfer to the hotel and check  take us to St. Stephen’s Cathedral,  baroque style buildings; and more
          in formalities. At night, we will enjoy a  Mozart’s residence and the old Jewish  modern
          welcome dinner at a local restaurant, like  quarter. We will finish the tour in a typical  works such as the Music Theater, the
          “Wiener Rathauskeller” or “Huth” or   Viennese coffee shop enjoying a coffee  Ars Electronica Center and the Lentos
          similar,                          and the famous Sacher Cake.        Kunstmuseum. We will finish the visit on
          where we will have a typical viennese  Afternoon at leisure, where you will have  the Pöstlingberg hill, from where we will
          menu.                             the opportunity to visit Schönbrunn   enjoy unique panoramic views over the
                                            Palace or enjoy a Viennese evening at a   city.
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      concert with the most famous musical   We will end the visit tasting the typical
          In the morning we will discover the city on  pieces by Mozart and Strauss, two of the   Linz Cake, with a lattice top and filled with
          a panoramic tour around the Ringstrasse,  city’s most famous residents.  currant jam. Free afternoon to enjoy the
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the                                 most modern city in Austria.
          Hofburg Palace, the State Opera, the  DAY 3 VIENNA – LINZ
          twin museums of Fine Arts and History  After breakfast we will depart to Linz,  DAY 4 LINZ - GREIN ( 1st biking
          of Natural Sciences, the Parliament and  capital of the province of Upper Austria  stage, 61km, approx. 3 hrs )
          City Hall, the Votive Church, St. Charles  and industrial leader of the country. Upon  Our first stop will be Steyregg Castle,
          Church, the Musikverein where the New  arrival we will visit the city, with a guided  which dates back to the 11th-12th
          Year’s Concert is broadcast and the  walking tour through the historic center  centuries and is currently only available
          monument to Johann Strauss, father of  of this city located on the banks of the  for rent for events. We will see it from
          the waltz. During the tour we will also visit  Danube River. We will visit the Cathedral  the outside and take pictures before
          the Belvedere Palace gardens.     of the Immaculate Conception; we will  continuing our tour to Mauthausen.
                                                                               Founded by the Babensberg dynasty
                                                                               as a border crossing point to pay
                                                                               customs, it became infamous in World
                                                                               War II for housing the concentration
                                                                               camp. Possibility to visit the camp. Also
                                                             Krems             in Mauthausen we find the Pragstein
                                                     Emmersdorf                Castle, which currently houses the only
                                             Linz    Grein                     Pharmaceutical Museum in Austria.
                                                                   Vienna      Continue to Perg, in the heart of the Au
                                                                               an der Donau valley. Here we can stop for
                                                                               lunch and recharge your batteries in one
                                                                               of its cafes or restaurants and enjoy some
                                                                               free time before resuming the march.
                                                    AUSTRIA                    We continue to Grein passing through the
                                                                               Celtic village of Mitterkirchen and the 12th
                                                                               century Baumgartenberg Abbey, whose
                                                                               later reconstructions show the three main
                                                                               styles in one building - Romanesque,
                                                                               Gothic and Baroque. Arrival at the
                                                                               accommodation in Grein and rest.

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