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DAY 5 GREIN – EMMERSDORF ( 2nd    in Aggsbach we will see the ruins of   impressive park.
          biking stage, 45km, approx. 3 hrs )  its fortress and continue to Willendorf,   We will end the day with a visit to
          After breakfast we will visit Greinburg  known for the discovery of the prehistoric   Göttweig Abbey. Founded in the 11th
          Castle, belonging to the royal house of  site where the famous statuette “Venus of   century by the Benedictine order, it was
          Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha, from which  Willendorf” was found, which represents   rebuilt in the 18th century after a fire,
          the main European royal houses descend  a female figure, supposedly a goddess of   following the grill-shaped model of the
          today.                            fertility. It can now be seen in the Natural   Escorial Church in Madrid.
          We continue our cycling route to  History Museum in Vienna.          Return to the hotel and rest of the day at
          Emmersdorf passing the ruins of   Spitz will welcome us with its 16th   leisure. In the evening, farewell dinner in a
          Werfenstein and Wörth Island to   century houses and courtyards, the   local restaurant.
          Persenbeug, where one of the most  Hinterhaus ruins and the harbor to
          famous dams on the Danube is located.  embark, if desired, on a boat ride to   DAY 8 KREMS – VIENNA
          With a little more effort we will reach   Dürnstein.                 After breakfast, transfer to Vienna Airport
          Maria Taferl, on top of the hill and from   Cycling along the river bank we will cross  ( 94km, approx. 1,5 hrs )
          whose abbey we can enjoy breathtaking   terraces of vineyards and wineries, being
          views over the Danube Valley.     Weißenkirchen one of the best places to
          Here we can enjoy some free time for  stop for a wine tasting.
          lunch before arriving and visiting one  Undoubtedly, the stop in Dürnstein will be
          of the valley’s historical attractions -  one of the highlights of the trip as the blue
          Artstetten Castle, the former residence of  bell tower of its Benedictine church is one
          Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand, who was  of the most famous images of the valley.
          assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914,   Overnight in Krems, where we will enjoy
          sparking World War I. Continue to   free time for the rest of the day.
          Emmersdorf an der Donau and overnight.
          Rest of the day                   DAY 7 KREMS
          at leisure.                       Our bike tour has come to an end, but
                                            not our trip. In Krems we will take a short
          DAY 6 EMMERSDORF – KREMS ( 3rd    walk through the historic center where
          biking stage, 34km, approx. 2,5 hrs )  we will see the old city walls, the Und
          Today we have the most beautiful stage   convent
          of the tour, passing through the best   and the gothic houses of the
          known points of the valley.       “Gozzoburg” and “Göglhaus”.
          We start the tour crossing the Danube  Then we will visit some
          Bridge to reach Melk, where we will visit  vineyards, where we will be informed
          its imposing abbey, the great example  about the types of grapes that are grown
          of Austrian baroque architecture. Still  and enjoy a tasting.
          in operation, it includes a school and a  We will continue our cultural route to
          spectacular library.              the Grafenegg Palace, one of the few
          Following the left bank of the river we will  examples of historical-romantic
          see why this area is declared a UNESCO  architecture in Austria. The current
          World Heritage Site, for the harmonious  building is from the 19th century, in a
          ensemble achieved by its medieval   remodeling that added neo-Gothic, Tudor
          villages, ruins of fortresses and wine   and neo-Renaissance elements. Visit the
          terraces with fruit trees. Upon arrival   palace and free time to stroll through its

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