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          The presence of the Alps in the western   and 88 lifts, attracting thousands of skiers   place for alpine skiers, with slopes for all
          part of the country makes Austria a   and snowboarders every year. Slopes for   levels. Heuberg is a paradise for families,
          paradise of snow and downhill peaks that   all levels, snow and fun parks, courses,   with all kinds of activities and facilities to
          delight skiing enthusiasts.       toboggan runs and all kinds of activities   introduce children to skiing.
                                            await you. The most important ski resorts
          VAS DMC AUSTRIA presents below a   are Lech-Zürs, St Anton/St Christoph/  WARTH-SCHRÖCKEN - in the
          selection of the best areas to enjoy skiing   Stuben and Warth/Schröcken.   surroundings of Lech and Zürs, two of
          in winter.                                                           the most elite ski towns in Austria, are
                                            SILVRETTA MONTAFON - the first     the slopes of Warth-Schröcken, with
          VORARLBERG ( Western Austria,     address for freeriders, with 70 routes   62km and 15 lifts and guaranteed snow
          frontier with Switzerland )       available, is a paradise for action lovers.   all season long. Easily accessible, they
                                            It is one of the regular venues for the best   offer the necessary facilities for skiing and
          Austria’s most unknown region is a   winter sporting events, having hosted on   snowboarding, Nordic skiing and snow
          paradise of nature and wooden houses, a   more than one occasion the Ski Cross   hiking trails, and an illuminated toboggan
          pioneer of alpine skiing in the country with   and Snowboard World Cup competitions.   running until 22:00 hrs.
          two thirds of the slopes located between   It also offers unique experiences such as
          1,400 and 2,400 meters above sea level.   skiing at sunrise or sleeping in an igloo   TYROL ( King of Alps )
          Towns such as Lech am Arlberg or   at 2,300 meters or wine tasting in the
          Montafon, as well as the areas of   highest tavern in Vorarlberg.    The quintessential image of skiing in
          Brandertal, Klostertal or Bregenzerswald,   DAMÜLS-MELLAU-FASCHINA - 110km   Austria. Hotels and wooden houses
          among others, offer a wide range of ski   of slopes, 27 lifts and 2 illuminated   covered with snow, classic towns such
          slopes - with the possibility of practicing   tunnels await you for skiing and   as Innsbruck, the capital and ski resort;
          any type of skiing (alpine, cross-country,   snowboarding, freestyle and Nordic   Kitzbühel, home of the most famous
          snowshoeing, etc.) - and spaces for other   skiing, for fun for adults and children alike,   ski race - the “Hahnenkamm” - and
          activities - from off-piste skiing to snow   with options for other activities such as   meeting point of the jet set; Seefeld,
          safaris.                          sledging, snowshoeing or snow hiking.   Olympic center; Neustift am Stubaital,
                                                                               Tux or Mayrhofen, land of glaciers or
          SKI RESORTS                       WALMENDINGERHORN - IFEN -          Sölden, scene of James Bond. All over
                                            HEUBERG ARENA - on the German      the region there are slopes within easy
          SKI ARLBERG - considered the cradle   border are these slopes with 59km and   reach of the towns, offering something for
          of alpine skiing, is the largest ski resort   20 lifts, connected to each other by a bus   all tastes and sports, from classic alpine
          in Austria. Founded in 1921, with the   network. While the Walmendingerhorn   skiing to activities such as dog sledding,
          installation of the first ski school in the   slopes are the place to be for those who   snowshoeing and driving snow mobiles.
          world, it has a total of 503 km of slopes   like to ski in peace and quiet, Ifen is the
                                                                               SKI RESORTS

                                                                               INNSBRUCKER NORDKETTENBAHN -
                                                          Niederösterreich     at the foot of the city of Innsbruck, with a
                                                                               funicular that takes you from the center to
                                          Oberösterreich           Vienna      the cable car and the lifts to the slopes.
                                                                               Total of 11km of slopes spread between
                                                                               860m and 2,200m altitude, suitable for
                                                                               all levels. Breathtaking views of the Alps
                                                   AUSTRIA                     at your fingertips and an igloo bar add a
         Vorarlberg                                                            personal touch to these slopes.
                      Tyrol          Salzburg         Steiermark               SÖLDEN - with 144km of slopes for all
                                                                               levels and 31 lifts, Sölden has positioned
                                  Tyrol                                        itself as one of the preferred destinations
                                            Kärnten                            within the Tyrol region. 2 skiable glaciers
                                                                               and a good gastronomic offer at the end
                                                                               of the activity are the main magnets to
                                                                               attract skiers from all over the planet,
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