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organizers of sporting events and...   floodlights, snow trails and huts. These   starting point for cycling, hiking and skiing
          Hollywood. The 24th film in the James   slopes host every year the competitions   enthusiasts. The latter can be practiced
          Bond franchise, “Spectre”, with its   of the “Freeride World Tour”, becoming   on the slopes of Schmitten, with more
          thrilling scenes in the snow, was filmed   the destination par excellence for   than 70 km of slopes facing the sun in
          on the slopes of Sölden. A permanent   freestylers.                  more than 80% of its surface, making it
          exhibition of the filming, with photos and                           the sunniest slopes in the country. The
          unpublished anecdotes, can now be   SALZBURG ( Something more than   offer is completed by extra activities
          visited at the top of the Gaislachkogel   just music )               such as snowshoe trails, a permanent
          Mountain.                                                            exhibition on the beginnings of the slopes
                                            The city of Salzburg offers more than   and a wide range of restaurants and huts.
          BERGBAHN KITZBÜHEL - Get ready    just the musical genius Mozart. It offers
          to descend the most popular run of the   proximity to some of the best ski slopes   GASTEIN - up to 4 resorts are located
          Austrian ski circuit, the Hahnenkamm.   in the country, such as those in Zell   in the Gastein area - Schlossalm /
          Located in the resort of Kitzbühel,   am See / Kaprun, Flachau, St Johann,   Angertal / Stubnerkogel, Sportgastein,
          Tyrol’s most elite town with multiple   Bad Gastein and Bad Hofgastein   Am Graukogel and Dorfgastein-Grossarl
          luxury stores, gourmet restaurants and   and Radstadt, where a wide range of   - adding up to 200km of slopes for all
          bars, it offers a total of 179km of slopes   equipment is available for all snow sports,   levels and styles and state-of-the-art
          and 56 lifts, plus amusement parks,   first-class accommodations and a unique   lifts and cable cars. Snowboarding
          snowboarders’ slopes and a wide range   gastronomic and cultural offer.  and freestyle are welcome, as well as
          of huts and dining resorts.                                          snow hiking, snowshoeing or enjoying
                                            SKI RESORTS                        a gourmet breakfast at the top of the
          SKIWELT WILDER KAISER -                                              mountain.
          BRIXENTAL - The 9 villages of Brixen im   SKICIRCUS SAALBACH
          Thale, Ellmau, Going, Hopfgarten, Itter,   - HINTERGLEMM - LEOGANG   STYRIA ( A secret among the experts )
          Kelchsau, Scheffau, Söll and Westendorf   - FIEBERBRUNN - Spread between
          are linked together by a network of 263   the regions of Tyrol and Salzburg is this   Styria is especially popular in summer for
          km of slopes and 90 lifts offering fun for   resort, with 249km of slopes and 70   its nature and national parks, hiking and
          all levels, the possibility of timed runs,   lifts, combining snowparks, slopes with   biking trails, and its perfect combination
          night outings and areas for freestylers.   floodlights, snow trails and huts. These   of lakes and mountains. All makes it a
          It is a paradise for families because of   slopes host every year the competitions   real gem for skiing and other snow sports
          its wide range of assistance and training   of the “Freeride World Tour”, becoming   enthusiasts. From Schladming, one of
          space for the youngest.           the destination par excellence for   the country’s main ski resorts, to the
                                            freestylers.                       lesser-known slopes of Turracher Höhe,
          HINTERTUX GLACIER - The only ski                                     Kreischberg, Grebenzen or Lachtal,
          slope open all year round in Austria, 49km   SKI AMADÉ - One of the largest resorts   a whole new world of winter activities
          and 21 lifts at your disposal to enjoy the   in Europe covering 2 regions - Salzburg   opens up.
          skiing experience in summer at an altitude   and Styria - with more than 250 lifts,
          of over 3,000 meters. In winter it is part   760km of slopes for all levels and   SKI RESORTS
          of the ZILLERTAL 3000 slopes, with   specialties, 10 snow parks to enjoy, 13
          more than 200km and 60 lifts in total,   slopes for freestyle and snowboarding,   SKI AMADÉ - One of the largest resorts
          which reach the towns of Finkenberg   an attractive offer of alternative activities   in Europe covering 2 regions - Salzburg
          and Mayrhofen, offering a wide range of   such as horse sledding, ice skating or   and Styria - with more than 250 lifts,
          slopes of all levels and different styles,   snow hiking, all wrapped with the most   760km of slopes for all levels and
          activities such as snowshoes, sledges   beautiful mountain peaks of Austria. In the   specialties, 10 snow parks to enjoy, 13
          and motorcycles, timed race tracks and   Salzburg area, the resort is spread over   slopes for freestyle and snowboarding,
          space to train the little ones.   4 zones: Salzburger Sportwelt, Gastein,   an attractive offer of alternative activities
                                            Hochkönig and Großarltal.          such as horse sledding, ice skating or
          SILVRETTA ARENA ISCHGL - At the                                      snow hiking, all wrapped with the most
          gates of one of the smallest villages in   KITZSTEINHORN KAPRUN - the glacier   beautiful mountain peaks of Austria. It
          Tyrol, Ischgl, is this ski resort with over   of the Salzburg region. Open all year   is the most important ski resort in the
          150km of slopes and 45 lifts, opening   round, it welcomes all styles of skiing   region, extending over the Schladming -
          the doors to a paradise of winter fun with   and snowboarding in winter, as well as   Dachstein area, whose mountain range
          slopes for beginners and professionals;   hikers and snow fans in summer. Its   has been listed as a UNESCO World
          snowboarders and freestyle enthusiasts;   views over 3,000 meters can be enjoyed   Heritage Site.
          schools for beginners and advanced   at the Gipfelwelt 3000, a park with alpine
          skiers; restaurants and all kinds of   attractions such as the Ice Palace,   AUSSERLAND - SALZKAMMERGUT
          services necessary for an unforgettable   igloos and panoramic platforms. Directly   - in the well-known lake and mountain
          snow vacation.                    connected by cable car to the town of   region “Salzkammergut” are the ski
                                            Kaprun, Kaprun and Zell am See become   resorts Loser and Tauplitz, with more than
          SKI ARLBERG - St Anton am Arlberg   the main points of accommodation.   200 km of slopes at all levels as well as
          is, together with Kitzbühel, one of the                              winter hiking trails and freestyle skiing
          most exclusive and elite ski resorts in   OBERTAUERN - more than 100km of   areas. The proximity of the Grimming
          Austria. 305km and 88 lifts are at your   slopes and 26 lifts await you in this snow   thermal baths invites you to relax and
          disposal to make the most of any sport   resort where you can ski and snowboard   unwind after an intense day of sport.
          that has to do with snow. Spectacular   at all levels, enjoy the snow park and be
          views surround the snowboard and ski   amazed by torch light night skiing.   MUR - MÜRZ TOP SKIPASS - the
          racing lovers, who will be able to enjoy a   A favorite destination for those who want   pass for 12 ski resorts - Turracher
          well-deserved rest with a varied offer of   to add fun to their stay, it has 25 cabins   Höhe, Kreischberg, Grebenzen, Lachtal,
          restaurants and quality gastronomy.   where you can relax and meet other   Gaal, Obdach, Kleinlobming, Salzstiegl,
                                            skiers, have a good time with a beer and   Präbichl, Brunnalm-Hohe Veitsch, Turnau-
          SKICIRCUS SAALBACH                discover the good alpine gastronomy.    Schwabenbergarena and Stuhleck.
          - HINTERGLEMM - LEOGANG                                              Together they add up to 236km of slopes
          - FIEBERBRUNN - Spread between    SCHMITTEN ZELL AM SEE - a classic   and 84 cable cars and lifts, attractive
          the regions of Tyrol and Salzburg is this   destination in Austria, both in winter and   proposals for families, snowboard slopes,
          resort, with 249km of slopes and 70   summer to enjoy the mountains, is Zell   possibility of night skiing and proximity to
          lifts, combining snowparks, slopes with   am See, south of Salzburg. It is an ideal   thermal enclosures.
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