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until the 19th century that it becomes   DAY 5 INNSBRUCK             DAY 7 SALZBURG
          the favorite dance of the aristocratic   Today we will enjoy the Tyrolean Mountains.   We will dedicate this day to music by
          classes, helped above all by the Strauss   We will first climb the Bergisel, the Olympic   first visiting the stages where the famous
          family, who make the waltz their musical   ski jump built at the beginning of the 20th   film “The Sound of Music” / “The Sound
          ensign. Works such as “The Emperor’s   century and which became a symbol of the   of Music” was shot, which tells the life of
          Waltz”, “Viennese Blood” or “The Blue   city following the 1964 Winter Olympics,   the Trapp family, originally from Salzburg,
          Danube” have made this peasant dance   the first of three held in the city. Its current   their relationship with music and their
          the king of dances.               appearance is due to the architect Zaha   escape at the beginning of World War II.
          We will end the day by attending one   Hadid, who renovated it in 2001. From   To do this we will move to the palaces of
          of the popular Viennese Balls that are   its summit we can admire the panoramic   Hellbrunn, which houses in its gardens
          held during the winter season. Emerged   views of the city and the mountains that   the pavilion built for the film where Liesl,
          as matchmaking scenarios where girls   surround it.                  the eldest daughter, sings with her suitor
          were presented to society, they have led   Afterwards we will have fun with some   Rolf; and of Leopoldskron, into whose
          to social events to publicize companies,   of the many activities offered by the   lake the children fall. We will pass in
          associations and social groups and labor   area: alpine and/or cross-country skiing,   front of the Nonnberg monastery, easily
          groups such as doctors, firefighters,   snowshoeing, horse-sledding, sledding,   recognizable by its red dome and where
          police, lawyers or teachers (Bonbon Ball,   ice-skating...           the real Maria worked as a teacher. We
          Opera Ball, Officer´s Ball ) among others.    For this we will go to the most famous   will continue the route to the lake and
          They are usually open to the public by   snow areas such as Seefeld, Neustift am   mountain area, whose landscape will
          paying an entrance fee, which they attend   Stubaital, Ischgl or Kitzbühel.  Finally we will   remind us of the beginning of the film,
          following the dress code (usually dark   recover our strength with a typical Tyrolean   with Maria singing, and we will stop in
          suit or tuxedo for them and long evening   meal in a mountain hut.    Mondsee to visit its church, where the
          dress for them) and willing to spend a   Accommodation               wedding scene was shot.
          fun time dancing in the different musical                            On the way we will be able to test our
          scenarios offered, from disco to Latin   DAY 6 INNSBRUCK - SALZBURG   musical knowledge by remembering and
          music, reserving, of course, always a time   After breakfast, we continue our journey to   singing the soundtrack.
          to waltz.                         Salzburg.                          In the evening, we will enjoy a farewell
                                            Although Vienna is known as the musical   dinner in the oldest restaurant in town,
          DAY 4 VIENNA - INNSBRUCK          capital of Europe, Salzburg can boast of   St Peter Stiftskeller. Dressed according
          Breakfast and departure to Innsbruck,   being the birthplace of the genius who   to the Rococo era, the musicians and
          capital of the Alps and the Austrian Tyrol   changed music forever, Wolfgang Amadeus   singers will enliven the dinner by playing
          region. Olympic city on three occasions   Mozart.                    and singing the best arias and duets
          (1964, 1973 and 2012, the latter   On our arrival we will enter his world by   from Mozart’s most famous operas “Don
          being the first Youth Olympic Games),   visiting the houses where the genius of   Giovanni”, “The Marriage of Figaro” and
          Innsbruck is the main starting point for   classical music was born and lived.   “The Magic Flute”.
          winter sports.                    We will continue to the Mirabell Palace, in
          Upon arrival, we will take a walking tour   whose Marble Hall he performed with his   DAY 8 SALZBURG
          of the city Centre, where the streets of   father and sister Nannerl.   Breakfast at the hotel and at the agreed
          Innsbruck date back to the Middle Ages   We will continue the tour of the city passing   time, transfer to the airport
          and the 21st century. The Avenue of   by the Mozarteum (University of Music),
          Maria-Theresa, with its Triumphal Arch   the Puppet Theatre, the Church of the Holy
          and St. Anne’s Column, leads you to   Trinity, the Summer Music Festival Theatres,
          the city’s symbol, the Golden Roof, the   the Getreidegasse and the fortress.
          Imperial Church and the Imperial Palace.   Accommodation and rest of the day at
          Accommodation.                    leisure.

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