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From 3 to 7 years old, they can learn   garden rounds off the park’s natural  MINIMUNDUS
          what a city is, how time is managed and   offerings.                 The world at your feet! Stroll around
          the jobs of its citizens.                                            the world’s major monuments and have
                                            WIKI ADVENTURE PARK – Adventure    your picture taken next to them. The
          From the age of 8, children can follow  park with climbing stations, zip lines,  Vatican Church, the Indonesian temple
          the track of time and discover how the  jumps, and other games and exercises  Borobudur, the CN Tower in Toronto, the
          timetable was established, how time is  adapted to the age and height of the  Golden Gate in San Francisco, the Eiffel
          calculated, how it feels, as well as go on  participants.            Tower in Paris or the Vienna Ferris wheel
          an adventure in space in a workshop on                               are some of the monuments reproduced
          the universe (only available on weekends)  PIBER – Just outside Graz, approx.  to scale and with the original materials.
          where they will learn how to build a  40 km from Graz, is the village of
          spaceship or a UFO or about gravity on  Piber, where the breeding farm of the  The offer is extended with visits to the
          different planets.                Lipizzaner horses is located. These  workshops and an interactive indoor
                                            horses will become the dancing horses  museum with 4D cinema, a Mini Cooper
          CoSA – Scientific Activities Center,  of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna  car ride, balloons for young and old, the
          13 rooms equipped with technical and  when they reach adulthood. Visit the  ISS space station and a station where
          natural science themes, focused on  Piber castle, the horse stables, learn  you can create your own cartoon movie.
          the interaction of young visitors and  how to drive horse-drawn carriages in
          highlighted with augmented reality.  the simulator, or practice saddling and  1 restaurant and a cafeteria complete the
                                            grooming a horse.                  offer for a full day visit.
          MÄRCHENBAHN – the Fairy Tale Train,
          The old subway corridors of the city have  ... & INDOOR ACTIVITIES   THE LAKES
          become the museum of fairy tales. The                                Klagenfurt and the Carinthia region are
          visit takes place on a train ride, which  FLIP LAB – trampoline park. Austria’s  characterized by the warmest water lakes
          leads through scenes such as the witch’s  most modern trampoline park awaits  and therefore most recommended for
          house, the magic forest, the thieves’  you with a multitude of trampolines, ball  water activities.
          cave and many more. On the way, the  pools, harnesses for learning acrobatic
          protagonists of folk tales tell their stories  jumps and a team of trainers who will  A visit to the lakes Millstätter, Wörther,
          and invite you to discover their secrets. In  explain how to do it.  Klopeiner, Faaker and Ossiacher,
          German and English, duration approx. 30                              Nassfeld-Pressegger or Weissensee
          minutes.                          KLAGENFURT & Region of Carinthia   offers a wide range of activities such as
                                                                               boat rides, rental of rowing boats, canoes
          OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES...             TOWER “PYRAMIDENKOGEL”             or kayaks, water skates and slides, as
                                            Located 20km from Klagenfurt, this  well as being the starting point for hiking
          RETTENBACHKLAMM – The nature      spectacular 100m high wooden tower  trails where you can discover and enjoy
          park at the gates of Graz offers trails  offers spectacular views over Lake  nature.
          suitable for the youngest visitors. Nature  Wörther and the surrounding area. The
          is available to everyone; in the vicinity of  tower has 3 observation decks at 3  AFFENBERG
          Lustbühel Palace there are playgrounds  different heights and a covered slide to  In the village of Landskron, near Villach
          and a zoo where you can pet the animals  descend.                    and 36km from Klagenfurt is the socalled
          and a star observatory. A botanical                                  Monkey Mountain - Affenberg.
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