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          VIENNA & Region of Lower Austria  TIME TRAVEL                        Schönbrunn is also the setting for an
                                            A magical journey through Vienna’s  authentically Austrian gastronomic offer.
          PRATER                            history combining film, special effects,  Café Residenz, where you will be
          The famous Giant Ferris Wheel     conversations with historical characters  shown how to make “Apfelstrudel”;
          welcomes                          and multimedia shows.              Café Gloriette where Empress
          you to the Vienna Amusement Park,                                    Maria Theresia met for coffee with
          founded in 1766 as a hunting ground for  Let yourself be taken on a journey  her courtesans; Kutscher Gwölb
          the imperial family and later became a  through time, from Roman times to the  Schlossbräu with its own beer;
          playground and entertainment area for  Habsburg Empire; meet Mozart and  Cafe Restaurant Kaiserpavillion to
          Viennese society.                 Strauss and discover why Vienna is the  eat like emperors or the Gasthaus
                                            capital of music.                  Tirolergarten, a piece of Tyrol in
          Today there are more than 30 rides and                               Vienna.
          games, including bumper cars, bouncy  SCHÖNBRUNN
          castles, roller coasters, mirror maze,  Schönbrunn is more than a summer  MUSEUMS
          carousels, water slides and corridors  palace of the imperial family, it is a  Vienna brings museums closer to
          of terror; the Chocolate Museum and  whole day of fun where you can visit the  children than anyone else. Interactive,
          Madame Tussaud’s Museum; bicycle   oldest zoo in Europe; the Carriage  with programs and tours tailored to the
          and rickshaw rentals or the Prater train,   Museum with spectacular vehicles such  little ones and workshops for them to
          which will take you to every corner of the   as the wedding carriage; get lost in the  explore their creative side.
          park.                             Labyrinth Garden; dress up as the
                                            emperors and courtiers; attend a   Musical visits:
          A great gastronomic offer completes the  puppet show or a concert of music by
          offer for a great day out!        Mozart and Strauss ....            Museum HAUS DER MUSIK – House
                                                                               of Music, a journey through time of
                                                                               sounds and noises, how music is
                                                                               made and how the ear works, with the
                                                                               possibility of conducting the Vienna
                                                                               Philharmonic Orchestra itself!
                                                                               Houses of Musicians: Mozart,
                                                                  Vienna       Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert and
                                                                               Strauss... their homes with their
                                                                               personal belongings and scores, their
                                                    AUSTRIA                    secrets and their lives, everything is in
                                                                               Vienna ready to be discovered.

                                                                               To learn while having fun:
                                                           Graz                TECHNISCHES MUSEUM –
                                                                               Museum of Technique, with multiple
                                                 Klagenfurt                    interactive objects that explain the
                                                                               most elementary principles of physics,
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