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has been called the most beautiful village  can enjoy a museum dedicated to this  steel. How it is extracted, produced and
          in Austria. Among its attractions, you can  historic tramway and the Fairytale Cave  worked until the final result is achieved.
          enjoy a boat trip on the lake or a visit to  (Grotterbahn), where witches, goblins and  A game of clues will take you through the
          the oldest salt mines in the country.  dragons will accompany you along the  different areas of the museum to find out
                                            route. In Pöstlingberg you can also visit  all about this metal.
          LOCKWELT FREILASSING – Just 10 km  the Linz Zoo, with more than 600 animals,
          from Salzburg, the locomotive museum  including native and exotic species.  ...and IN THE REGION
          awaits you, where you can discover how
          locomotives work, the older models and  TRAIN & BOAT                 OBRA KINDERLAND – 86 km south
          the new ones that are coming up. In a  Hop on the yellow Linzer City Express  of Linz lies this children’s paradise. A
          simulator you can learn how to drive  train that runs through the city, which will  knight’s castle, a farm, a mine or a jungle
          them and in the “Kleinen Lokwelt” (small  take you to the main tourist attractions.  with vines and swings are the settings for
          locomotive world) you can touch, listen  Equipped with audio guides so you won’t  climbing towers, playhouses, interactive
          and experience everything you want to  miss any detail of the journey.  stations and various games for an
          know about the world of trains.   Then board the MS Linzerin at the  adventurous day.
                                            Danube harbor and discover the most
          FERDINAND PORSCHE                 modern side of the city from the river. In  DANUBE’S WORLD, a large aquarium in
          ERLEBNISWELTEN – In Mattsee, 15   1.5 hours you will pass the Linz Culture  Engelhartszell (65km north of Linz) where
          km from Salzburg, a unique exhibition  Mile, the harbor and the oversized graffiti  you can find out all about this great river
          of Porsche cars awaits you, which are  of the Mural Harbor.          and its fauna. The world of water, the
          prepared to offer you as much interaction                            Danube workshop, river games, boats,
          as possible.                      MUSEUMS                            power plant and history are waiting for
          The museum also offers the possibility to                            you to discover a new world.
          take rides in classic cars and to visit the   MUSEUM DER ZUKUNFT – Museum
          exhibition of tractors, for which Ferdinand   of the Future, in the new Ars Electronica  GASSEL TROPFSTEINHÖHLE – The
          Porsche developed the engines in a 1938   Center they will be able to make crafts,  stalactite caves of Gassel, in the
          prototype.                        watch, play, make music, draw, program  village of Ebensse, 86 km south of
                                            and experiment and thus enter the world  Linz. Discovered in 1984, these caves
          FAMILIENPARK URZEITWALD – Jungle  of electronics.                    offer a unique spectacle of nature, with
          Family Park, 73 km south of Salzburg, in                             impressive stalactite and stalagmite
          Gosau, you can take a trip back in time to  Museum LENTOS, a new space in which  formations. The part discovered to date
          prehistoric times. In this park you will fly  to approach modern art and its different  reaches a distance of 6km, with a depth
          with dinosaurs, excavate archaeological  expressions, whether photography,  of 150m at its maximum point. The visit
          treasures and surf in deep ravines, as  architecture, painting or sculpture. With  is concentrated in the front part of the
          well as enjoy various water games and  visits designed especially for children,  caves, conditioned so that visitors of
          information about prehistoric animals.  at the end of the visit they can get the  any age can enter.
                                            Take Away Atelier, a box to unleash their  The visit is only with
          LINZ & Region of Upper Austria    artistic side.                     a guide and it is recommended to be
                                                                               equipped with warm clothes and strong
          PÖSTLINGBERG                      VOESTALPINE STAHLMUSEUM –          footwear, since the temperature inside is
          At the Linz Main Square, the train will take  Ironsteel Museum Voestalpine, where  usually around 6.5 degrees.
          you to the top of Pöstlingberg, where you  you can discover the surprising world of
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