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tours for children that include stories and  at the least expected moment!  HAUS DER NATUR – Nature House,
          adventures adapted to all ages, as well                              in the historic center this museum is
          as treasure hunts to make the visits more  FORTALEZA DE SALZBURG – Special  dedicated to nature and science, with
          enjoyable. Highlights:            visits for the little ones can be arranged  interactive stations where young and old
                                            privately for families.            are invited to experiment.
          Castle Tratzberg (33km from Innsbruck)                               ...and IN THE REGION
          where a real knight and a ghost explain  SPIELZEUGMUSEUM – Toy Museum,
          to the children the history of the place.  in the center of the city, an ideal space  SALT MINES HALLEIN – 17 km south of
          The visit ends with a game.       for the little ones where they can touch,  Salzburg, in the town of Hallein, are the
                                            experiment, be surprised and of course...  Dürrenberg Salt Mines, in operation since
          At Ehrenberg Fortress in Reutte ( 96km  Play! Model trains, bobby-cars, a maze, a  Celtic times until 1989.
          from Innsbruck ), A treasure hunt with  slide, stuffed animals and car races await  A subway train ride and lake, crossing
          the knight Rüdi awaits the children to  visitors.                    the border, two slides and a lookout are
          reveal the secrets of the Middle Ages. At                            the attractions that await you along 13km
          the end, they will be appointed knights  HANGAR 7 FLUGZEUGMUSEUM –   underground.
          or ladies of the court. In addition, the  Hangar 7 Aviation Museum, located at
          bravest can cross the Highline Bridge  Salzburg Airport this fascinating museum  ICE CAVES WERFEN – 45km south
          179, the longest suspension bridge in  introduces you to the exciting world of  of the city you will find this spectacular
          Europe.                           aviation, especially aerobatics. Admire  ice cave... high up in the mountains! A
                                            the airplanes used to draw figures in  3 minute gondola ride will take you to
          In Landeck ( 77km from Innsbruck ) is  the sky and the pilots’ suits, as well as  the entrance of the cave, where you
          the castle of the same name, where the  other technical marvels such as the Red  will start a 1,6km ride over a height of
          visit becomes the search for treasures  Bull team’s racing cars and motorcycles  about 134m. The tour lasts approx. 70
          and knights. In summer some children’s  or the space capsule from which  minutes, during which you will see the
          afternoons are organized, where children  Felix Baumgartner achieved the first  ice formations and sculptures left by
          can do crafts and play in a medieval  stratospheric jump.            time. Recommended for ages 5 and up.
          setting.                                                             Strong footwear (hiking boots) and warm
                                            SALZBURGER FREILICHTMUSEUM         clothing are required. Do not forget hat
          In Innsbruck itself there are the Imperial  – Open Air Salzburg Museum, at the  and gloves.
          Apartments at the Hofburg and the  foot of the Untersberg mountain, on the
          Ambras Castle, both of which offer tours  outskirts of the city, this museum will tell  LAKE ST WOLFGANG – In the area of
          tailored to young visitors.       you about peasant life and classic manual  Lakes and Mountains (48km) is Lake St
                                            jobs, such as blacksmithing and milling.  Wolfgang, on the shores of the village
          SALZBURG & Region of Salzburg     More than 100 buildings house the  with the same name and the most
                                            different jobs and ways of life. On special  appreciated for bathing and spending a
          MUSEUMS                           dates, interactive parties are organized for  day with the family. Among its attractions
                                            visitors.                          are the boats that go around the lake and
          PALACE OF HELLBRUNN – in the      Multimedia exhibits, gastronomic   the steam rack railway that goes up to
          outskirts of the historic center, is home to  delights, playgrounds and tree houses,  the top of the Schafberg mountain.
          one of the most unexpected attractions...  swings and a train that runs through the
          Visit a fairytale garden... but watch out for  museum complete the recreational offer  HALLSTATT – Also in the area of Lakes
          the hidden fountains, they will get you wet  for families to enjoy the day.  and Mountains (73km) is Hallstatt, which
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