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chemistry and aeronautics, among  What about a day on the DANUBE     Maria Theresia. Enjoy a family day in this
          other applied sciences.           ISLAND? Possibility to organize your   Baroque palace open to interaction with
          ZOOM Kindermuseum – Children      own barbecue, bike rides, climb the   its visitors through baking workshops,
          Museum ZOOM, located in the Museum  Danube Tower and swim in the river.  crafts, dances or costumes, as well as
          District, in the center of the city, 1,600m²                         playgrounds for children, sun loungers
          are available for the little ones to ask,  KAHLENBERG and COBENZL: high  and a carriage simulator.
          touch, discover, feel and play.   above the city, towards the vineyard   A restaurant and a café complete the
                                            area, hides a paradise for children.   offer for an unforgettable day.
          MUSEUM DER ILLUSIONEN             On the one hand, the Kahlenberg
          – Museum of Illusions, or how to play  Adventure Park, with 14 courses   DANUBE’S VALLEY – the area along
          with perspective, images and believe  spread over 1.8 km and 30,000m², 135   the Danube River from Dürnstein to
          what is not.                      balancing, climbing, ziplining, swinging   Melk hides a wealth of activities for all
                                            and other exercises for the wildest fun   ages.
          NATURHISTORISCHES MUSEUM –        (NOTE: the exercises are adapted to   Boat rides; a ride on the century old
          Natural History Museum, in the historic  the age and height of the participants).  vineyard train between Krems and
          center, houses dinosaur skeletons, a  In Cobenzl a farm with horses, pigs,  Emmersdorf and feeding wild animals;
          planetarium and the largest and oldest  goats and sheep, cows and rabbits  games of logic and tactics in the ruins
          collection of meteorite rocks, among  awaits you, where you will learn about  of Aggstein Castle to free missing
          other natural treasures.          the life of farmers and breeders, as well  ghosts; go bear (teddy bear) hunting
                                            as about smells and fruits, seeds and  at Artstetten Castle or go canoeing or
          SCHOKOMUSEUM – Chocolate          ants, bees and honey on the Natural  stand up paddling on the river .....
          Museum, in Vienna’s 23rd district,  Experience Trail (Naturerlebnispfad).
          introduces them to the world of this                                 GRAZ & Region of Styria
          wonderful product, with the possibility  LAINZER TIERGARTEN – Zoo Garden
          of organizing tastings and creative  Lainzer, or an alternative zoo. A park   THE SLIDE
          workshops.                        west of the city where deer, wild boar   Do you dare to go on a subway
                                            and roe deer roam freely, with paths for   adventure? 175m long and 40 seconds
          OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES...             strolling and observing nature. Within   at 25km/h down the highest subway
                                            this park is the Hermesvilla, a gift   slide in the world. Suitable for people
          Do you want to discover Vienna while  from Emperor Franz Joseph to his wife   from 1.30m tall, the descent down this
          having fun at the same time? This is  Sisi. Open to the public, it shows the   slide is done in the dark, on sliding mats
          possible with a RIDDLE RALLY! Through   history of the building and its inhabitants   with safety belts.
          the historical center or Schönbrunn  throughout history.
          or Prater or... How about a surprise?                                MUSEUMS
          Search through street names, doorways,  ...and IN THE REGION         Museums especially oriented to the
          buildings and monuments for activities                               youngest members of the family expand
          that lead you to the next clue until you  PALACE OF SCHLOSSHOF – 58  the city’s recreational offerings.
          reach your destination. Ideal for families  km east of Vienna, on the border with
          and groups of friends, you can make   Slovakia, is the former residence of  FRIDA & FRED – the museum for
          your own competition and the first team   Prince Eugene of Savoy, which years  the little ones, with varied exhibitions
          to arrive has a prize!            later passed into the hands of Empress  according to the age of the visitors.

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