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A sanctuary for makako monkeys in  the course, putting your imagination to  At Timoks Wilde Welt ( Fieberbrunn,
          which to breed, grow and maintain this  the test.                    104km from Innsbruck ) an adventure
          protected species. A 45-minute tour                                  park awaits you where climbing and
          teaches visitors how these monkeys are  In the towns of Telf, Baggersee-Rossau,  jumping, water games and the Timoks
          cared for and protected.          Birgitz and Zirl (approx. 20 minutes from  Alpine Coaster, the toboggan run down
                                            Innsbruck) you can also enjoy open-air  to 1160m into the valley.
          ZOO ROSEGG                        mini golf courses.
          Halfway between Villach and Klagenfurt                               In Alpbachtal (52 km from Innsbruck),
          is the Rosegg Zoo, where up to 300  ALPENZOO                         the “Lauser Sauser” toboggan run at
          animals have their shelter, some of them  The thematic zoo, in this case of alpine  1,845 m, the highest in Austria, awaits
          even roam free on the grounds: horses,  fauna, located at the highest altitude in  you. With a distance of 1,420m it can
          lamas, lynx, bison, fallow deer and deer,  Europe. Brown bears, otters, eagles and  reach speeds of 40km/h. .... dare to
          among other species, have their home in  owls, fallow deer and marmots, wolves  experience the wind?
          this zoo.                         and lynx, among other typical mountain
                                            animals reside in this zoo, which is  In Imst (62 km from Innsbruck) we
          Peacocks, wild goats, mouflon and roe  accessible by cable cars from the city  have the “Alpine Coaster”, the longest
          deer roam free in the forest part of the  center.                    toboggan run in the country with a 3.5
          zoo.                                                                 km long course. Speed through the
                                            MARTINA’S HOF FARM                 forest, with curves and a 450 degree
          A visit to the Rosegg Palace and the  Just outside Innsbruck, in the village of  circle suspended 10m above the
          labyrinth garden, together with the  Natters, you will find Martina’s Hof farm,  ground... do you dare?
          restaurant and cafeteria, round off the  where you can visit endangered pets as
          offerings at Rosegg Zoo.          well as typical farm animals such as pigs,  94 km from Innsbruck, in the town of
                                            chickens, donkeys, sheep, goats and  Fiss, you will find the Funpark Fiss, with
          KÄRNTEN THERME                    other animals.                     the 2.2 km long “Fisser Flitzer” slide and
          The Kärnten Therme offers fun and                                    the “Fisser Flieger” zip line, which can
          water all day long, until 10 pm. Slides,  A children’s playground, a games room  carry up to 4 people at a time and reach
          panoramic slide, indoor and outdoor  with table soccer, pony riding and  80 km/h, as well as other attractions
          pools with and without waves, children’s  carriage rides are other activities to be  such as trampolines, baby carriages and
          pool, sun loungers and spa area with  enjoyed at the farm.           trampolines, among others.
          massages and beauty treatments,
          gastronomic offer... a full day for the  TOBOGGANS                   On the outskirts of Innsbruck, in
          whole family.                     Throughout the province of Tyrol you can  Mieders (17 km), you can enjoy a 2.8 km
                                            find toboggan runs across mountains  toboggan run with 40 curves along the
          INNSBRUCK & Region of Tyrol       and meadows; with different distances  way. The surrounding mountain scenery
                                            - shorter, longer - they promise fun and  makes it even more spectacular.
          MINIGOLF                          adventure for the whole family. Children
          Discover this mini golf course in  as young as 3 years old can go down  CASTLES & FORTRESSES
          Innsbruck with 18 lanes and... 3D effects!  accompanied by 1 adult; children from  The province of Tyrol is home to some
          Spectacular light effects and relief  8 years old can go down alone. We  of the country’s most impressive castles
          decorations accompany you throughout  highlight the following:       and fortresses. All of them offer special

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