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          The new wine regions of Europe  (Vienna - Danube Valley - Krems - Eisenstadt - Pöllauberg - Graz
          - Maribor - Balaton - Pecs - Eger - Tokaj - Budapest)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      with typical Viennese music, which sings of  where we will be welcomed by the imposing
          Arrival at the airport in Vienna (Austria) and  nostalgia, love, Vienna and is accompanied  abbey, an example of Baroque architecture
          transfer to the hotel. Then we will go out to  by a guitar and an accordion. Return to the  in Austria. Built in the years 1702 - 1746, it
          celebrate the welcome dinner in one of the  hotel and overnight.     belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage List,
          typical wine taverns in the districts of Neustift                    together with the whole Danube Valley area.
          am Walde, Nußdorf or Grinzing, among  DAY 2 VIENNA – DANUBE’S VALLEY  Lunch on board.
          others, on the outskirts of the city.  – KREMS                       Then we will visit the vineyards of the area,
          These taverns are called “Heuriger” in  Departure to the Danube Valley. Our first  mainly dedicated to the production of
          German, which refers to the new wine of the  stop will be Dürnstein, a beautiful village  white wine, which we will be able to taste
          season, the young wine produced with the  with 1,000 years of history on the banks  in the visit of some wine cellars. There is
          last grape harvest and which can be sold  of the Danube River. Guarded by the ruins  evidence of wine cultivation in the area since
          until December 31 of the following year. The  of the fortress Burg Dürnstein, where King  3000 BC, but it was not until the Roman
          “Heuriger” may only serve wine produced  Richard the Lionheart from England was  Empire that it spread and became one of
          in-house and typically Viennese food, such  taken prisoner for two months in the 12th  the main agricultural activities throughout
          as bread spreads, sausages and breaded  century, it is surrounded by vineyards and  history. The typical grapes of the area are
          meats (including the famous “Wiener  its medieval walls. The symbol of the town is  “Grüner Veltliner”, “Welschriesling” and
          Schnitzel”), with potato salads, vegetables or  the blue steeple of the church of the former  “Riesling”. In smaller proportions are the
          legumes. The “Heuriger” hang a branch of a  abbey of the Benedictine monks in the  “Gewürztraminer”, “Gelber Muskateller” and
          bush above their doors to indicate that the  center.                 “Gemischter Satz”, among other specialties.
          young wine of the year has arrived.  In Dürnstein we will embark on a boat trip on  Overnight in Krems.
          During dinner two musicians will entertain us  the Danube River, which will take us to Melk,
                                                                               DAY 3 KREMS – EISENSTADT – JOIS
                                                                               – HALBTURN – PÖLLAUBERG
                                                                               Today we will head for the province of
                                                                               Burgenland, unknown to the public but
                         Krems         Vienna                                  highly appreciated for the cultivation of wine,
                                                                               especially red wine.
                                           Danube’s Valley         Tokaj       Passing through Neusiedl am See, the
                            Eisenstadt       Halbturn                          largest lake east of Vienna, and the village
                                        Jois                                   of Rust, a natural shelter for storks, we will
                       AUSTRIA                  Budapest       Eger            reach Jois and Halbturn, where we can see
                                                                               the contrast between modern and traditional
                          Pöllauberg                                           vineyards. Visit of two wineries with tasting.
                                            Balaton       HUNGARY              In the area to the north and east of Lake
                                                                               Neusiedl am See are most of the vineyards
                                                                               dedicated to the cultivation of the best
                               Maribor                                         grapes for red wine, being the predominant
                           SLOVENIA                                            grapes of the “Zweigelt”, “Blaufränkisch” and
                                                 Pecs                          “St. Laurent” types.
                                                                               Today we will stay in a hotel surrounded by
                                                                               vineyards. Dinner at the hotel and overnight.

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