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          (Innsbruck - Kirchberg - Kitzbühl - St Johann - Fieberbrunn - Leogan - Salzburg)

          DAY 1 INNSBRUCK                   Maximilian with 24 depicts showing his  Salve or Pillersee Valley, offer the visitors
          Arrival at the airport and transfer to  life; the colored houses along the river Inn  a wide range of hiking and biking trails,
          the hotel. In the evening we invite you  and the famous Golden Roof.  ski slopes and swimming alternatives in
          to join a typical Tirolean dinner with a  Free time to enjoy the city on our own  winter and summer.
          show of folklore dances and music at  and in the afternoon transfer to Kirchberg  Through forests and alpine meadows, we
          Gundolf’s. Transfer back to the hotel and  in Tirol. Arrival and accommodation.  will hike to the world-famous ski slope
          accommodation.                                                       “Hahnenkamm” ( Alternative: you can
                                            DAY 3 KIRCHBERG IN TIROL           also take the cable car to the top, if you
          DAY 2 INNSBRUCK – KIRCHBERG IN    – KITZBÜHEL ( 1st hiking day, 15km,  want an easier way ).
          TIROL                             approx. 7 hrs )                    From here we will get the best views
          In the morning, we will go for a guided  Crossing along 8 countries, from France  over the Wilder Kaiser Mountain and
          tour around the city, combining a bus  to Slovenia, the Alps are the largest  the valleys. Afterwards we start the
          tour to Bergisel Ski Jump, built on 1920  and highest mountain range in Europe,  way down to the valley until we arrive in
          and used for 2 Winter Olympic Games  with magnificen tops like Mont-Blanc,  Kitzbühel, the glamorous alpine village.
          editions, in 1964 and 1976. The current  Matterhorn or Kreuzjoch, among other  Accommodation.
          form is due to a reconstruction on 2003,  majestic mountains.        Lunch on the way with the prepared
          designed by the architect Zaha Hadid.  Within the mountain range there are the  picnic lunch to take away from the hotel.
          We go back to the city center, where we  so-called Kitzbühel Alps, which extend
          will see its main sightseeing on a walking  between Tirol and Salzburg, being the  DAY 4 KITZBÜHEL – ST JOHANN
          tour, such as the Maria-Theresia Arch; the  Tirolean part the largest one. Towns like  in TIROL ( 2nd hiking day, 18,5km,
          Imperial Apartments; St James Cathedral  Hopfgarten, Kitzbühel and Kirchberg,  approx. 8 hrs )
          and the Court Church with its impressive  surrounded by mountains and parks  Kitzbühel has turned to be the ski hotspot
          cenotaph dedicated to Emperor     as Wilder Kaiser, Hohe Tauern, Hohe  in Austria, so it is quite easy to meet
                                                                               famous faces around. This medieval town
                                                                               with colorful painted houses hosts the ski
                                                                               race at the Hahnenkamm, which joins the
                                                                               best skiers and personalities for the race
                                                                               and its after-ski parties.
                                                                               Through the beautiful landscape of
                                                                               Kitzbüheler Alps we will arrive in St
                                                                               Johann in Tirol, center of this alpine area.
                                  Salzburg                                     Accommodation.
                                                                               Lunch on the way with the prepared
                             St. Johan                  AUSTRIA                picnic lunch to take away from the hotel.
                      Kitzbühel    Fieberbrunn
                innsbruck                                                      DAY 5 ST JOHANN in TIROL
                           Kirchberg   Leogang                                 – FIEBERBRUNN ( 3rd hiking day,
                            in Tirol                                           10km, approx. 5 hrs )
                                                                               In the morning we will enjoy a walking
                                                                               tour around the town, which history
                                                                               goes back to the 8th century. With the
                                                                               discovery of cooper and silver mines in
                                                                               the surroundings, the town experienced
                                                                               its larger increase of wealth and

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