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          (Vienna - Krems - Dünrstein - Weissenkirchen - Spitz - Melk - Krems - Vienna)

          DAY 1 VIENNA                      through the historical center, which will  grill-shape model of the Escorial Church
          Arrival in Vienna and meeting with the  take us to St. Stephen’s Cathedral,  in Madrid.
          guide Transfer to the hotel and check  Mozart’s residence and the old Jewish  Continue to Krems, starting point for the
          in formalities. At night, we will enjoy a  quarter. We will finish the tour in a typical  trekking route. After a short walk through
          welcome dinner at a local restaurant, like  Viennese coffee shop enjoying a coffee  the historic center where we will see
          “Wiener Rathauskeller” or “Huth” or   and the famous Sacher Cake.    the old walls, the Und convent and the
          similar, where we will have a typical   Afternoon at leisure, where you will have  gothic houses of the “Gozzoburg” and
          viennese menu.                    the opportunity to visit Schönbrunn   “Göglhaus”, we will visit some vineyards,
                                            Palace or enjoy a Viennese evening at a   where we will be informed about the
          DAY 2 VIENNA                      concert with the most famous musical   types of grapes that are grown and enjoy
          In the morning we will discover the city on  pieces by Mozart and Strauss, two of the   a tasting. Rest of the day at leisure.
          a panoramic tour around the Ringstrasse,  city’s most famous residents.
          Vienna’s main boulevard, passing the                                 DAY 4 KREMS – DÜRNSTEIN (1st
          Hofburg Palace, the State Opera, the  DAY 3 VIENNA – KREMS           hiking day, approx. 13km and 4,5 hrs)
          twin museums of Fine Arts and History  After breakfast we will depart for the  Today we will start our hiking route
          of Natural Sciences, the Parliament and  Danube Valley, our trekking area.  passing by a breathtaking escenery
          City Hall, the Votive Church, St. Charles  Surrounded by vineyards and fruit trees  of fortresses ruins, small villages and
          Church, the Musikverein where the New  - especially apricots - the valley offers  picturesque wineries until we arrive in
          Year’s Concert is broadcast and the  endless activities for all tastes.  Dürnstein.
          monument to Johann Strauss, father of  Upon arrival we will visit Göttweig Abbey.  Accommodation.
          the waltz. During the tour we will also visit  Founded in the 11th century by the  The hotel will prepare us a packed picnic
          the Belvedere Palace gardens.     Benedictine order, it was rebuilt in the   lunch to take away, which we will enjoy
          Afterwards we will take a guided walk  18th century after a fire, following the   on the way to Dürnstein, in a stop in the
                                                                               middle of the landscape.

                                                                               DAY 5 DÜRNSTEIN – WEIßENKIRCHEN
                                                                               (2nd hiking day, approx. 17km and 6 hrs)
                                                                               After breakfast at the hotel we will
                                                                               departure to visit Dürnstein on a walking
                                                    Dürnstein  Krems           tour, visiting the old church with its
                                              Weißenkirchen                    famous blue bell tower, the City Hall and
                                                     Spitz                     the old walls. We will then ahead up to
                                                    Melk                       the hill to visit the ruins of the Dürnstein
                                                                               Fortress, where King Richard Lionking
                                                                               was made prisoner from December 1192
                                                                               to February 1193.
                                                 AUSTRIA                       The Danube region is well known for its
                                                                               apricot trees and all the products they
                                                                               prepare with this fruit: from jam to juices
                                                                               to cakes to “Schnaps” ( liqueur ). We will
                                                                               enjoy the visit of an apricot farm and will
                                                                               have a tasting of its products.
                                                                               We follow the path up to the hill to the
                                                                               fortresses ruins of Starhembergwarte and

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