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Fesselhütte, across more wineries and  courtyard “Aggsteinerhof”, from 1725 and  DAY 8 MELK – KREMS – VIENNA
          amazing views over the river Danube until  decorated with late baroque frescoes.  Once the hiking route is finished, we will
          we get in Weißenkirchen.          In the evening we will enjoy a typical   enjoy a more relaxing day.
          Accommodation.                    dinner in a wine tabern.           First we will visit the Melk Abbey, founded
          On the way we will stop to enjoy the                                 on year 1089 by the Benedictine Order.
          picnic lunch prepared by the hotel.  DAY 7 SPITZ – MELK ( 4th hiking day,  Later on a monastic school was added,
                                            approx, 18km and 5 hrs )           while the library soon became famous
          DAY 6 WEIßENKIRCHEN – SPITZ ( 3rd  The first stop of our today’s journey  due to its large manuscript collection.
          hiking day, approx. 10km and 3,5 hrs )  will bring us to the village of Willendorf,  The actual building is from 18th century,
          Weißenkirchen is one of the most  worldwide known to be the place where  being the most impressive baroque
          picturesque villages on the shores of  the famous “Venus of Willendorf”, a 11cm  example in Austria.
          the River Danube. Surrounded by wine  tall figurine from the Paleolithic period,  Afterwards we invite you to relax on board
          terraces, we will start the day with a  was found in year 1908. It is one of the  of a boat tour on the River Danube to
          walking tour through its landmarks, as the  most remarkable prehistoric figures,  Krems, with lunch on board. Upon arrival
          Parish Church of the Ascension of Maria,  representing a naked woman, supposed  in Krems the bus will pick us up to bring
          from 14th century and built in Gothic   to be a fertilty goddess. The figure is now  us back to Vienna.
          style.                            kept at the Natural History Museum in  In the evening we will gather for the
          Outside Weißenkirchen we will visit the  Vienna.                     last time in a farewell dinner in a high
          Parish Church of St Michael, the oldest  Along the River Danube we will arrive to  level restaurant, in the Danube Tower.
          one in the Danube Valley area, from year  Melk, perhaps the most famous city of  Accommodation.
          1000 approx.                      the valley due to its impressive baroque
          Also today the hotel will have ready for us  benedictine abbey, located on the top of   DAY 9 VIENNA
          a picnic lunch to take away, so we can  a hill and overlooking all the valley.  Breakfast at the hotel and at the
          relax while looking at the landscape.  On the way we will look for the best spot  appointed time, transfer to the airport.
          Upon arrival in Spitz we will admire the  to stop and have our picnic lunch. Arrival
          baroque main square of the town, as well  in Melk and accommodation.
          as we will visit the castle and the interior

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