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          Due to its geographical location, Austria   of thermalism, since they are the zones   Hundertwasser, whose maxim was “give
          offers its visitors different landscapes   in which there are more thermal sources,   back to the earth what is taken from it
          that invite you to relax, enjoy the   especially in Burgenland. Cities within   by building,” hence all his projects blend
          tranquility and forget about everyday   easy reach - Klagenfurt, Graz, Eisenstadt -,   into the surrounding landscape.
          life. Whether alone, as a couple or with   regional cuisine and a varied landscape
          friends, in Austria you will find the perfect   make this area a unique destination to   Der Schwaigerhof - in Schladming,
          hotel and the perfect place to relax.   disconnect.                  at the foot of the Dachstein mountain,
                                                                               surrounded by a splendid landscape that
          VAS DMC AUSTRIA presents below a   Spa and Wellness Centers          offers a wide range of outdoor activities
          selection of the best areas and hotels to                            - both in summer and winter. Its wellness
          relax after your travels.         St Martin Therme Lodge - the first   and spa offer a well-deserved rest.
                                            address in Burgenland, it is located in
          SOUTH & EAST AUSTRIA (Kärnten,    the National Park of Lake Neusiedler   Mountain Resort Feuerberg - a
          Styria and Burgenland)            See - Seewinkel, completely away from   paradise for the whole family or to enjoy
                                            cities. Pure relaxation, it offers outdoor   alone or as a couple. In the Gerlitzen
          The southern and eastern part of Austria   activities such as safaris in the national   Mountains, at the foot of the slopes in
          consists of the regions of Carinthia (the   park, bird watching, cycling and hiking   winter and starting point for hiking trails
          sunniest region), Styria (the green lung of   trails; seasonal gastronomy and a private   in summer; nature in its purest form
          the country) and Burgenland (bordering   beach.                      with meadows, mountains and lakes; a
          Hungary). These are the regions of lakes                             unique culinary experience with regional
          and lush forests, the Dachstein National   Rogner Bad Blumau - explore the   products and all the comfort to recharge
          Park and dormant volcanoes. All these   volcanic region of Styria from this hotel   your batteries.
          factors unite to give the best conditions   designed by Austrian artist Friedensreich

                                                                               NORTH OF AUSTRIA (Lower and
                                                                               Upper Austria)

                                                                               Landscapes of vineyards, fruit trees and
                                                                               the magnetic presence of the Danube
                                                                               River and its tributaries offer rest while
                                                          Niederösterreich     awakening the senses. A stay in this
                                                                               region invites you to stroll along the
                                          Oberösterreich           Vienna      banks of the river or among the wine
                                                                               terraces or to discover its architectural
                                                                               gems among abbeys and historic
                                                   AUSTRIA                     castles.
         Vorarlberg                                                            Easy access from Vienna (international
                                                                               airport and good train connections)
                      Tyrol          Salzburg         Steiermark               makes the region an easy destination.

                                  Tyrol                                        Spa and Wellness Centers
                                                                               Therme Laa - in the town of Laa an der
                                                                               Thaya (70km north of Vienna, direct

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